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what are you paying for direct mail


New member
I am paying .26 cents per house for 6x11 post cards full color both sides
No setup fees or artwork fees. Just 2600 bucks for 10k homes

Right now we mail 10k a month every month. Seems to be working
My first store is up 50% from last year and my second store is in its 2nd year and about.the same increase as well

What are you paying for mailers and often do you mail
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10K mailers gets us every address in town. All three zip codes, every box and home. Cost is about the same as what you are quoting. However, I don’t think doing it that often would pay here. We get a nice bump for about 3-4 weeks when we do it but the offers have to be pretty agressive and I would not care to sell at that price all the time. I DO find that it is a good thing during our off season and for attracting first timers.

This most recent mailer (dropped the 6th and hit most boxes the 8th) has produced over 100 orders so far. The most popular offer has been our internet only offer which is ONLY valid for online orders. I really wanted to drive traffic to that system.
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Dumb question probably but, we are more than a pizza place. We’ve developed into a full-service, full-menu Pub with pizza only doing about 12% of our sales. I’d LOVE to build that up because of the ease, and the potential profit. Would a direct mail campaign be a good way to go here? I have to admit, I’m one that isn’t swayed by coupons and limited time offers, but if they’re working for the majority…

What are the best offers to use to introduce our pizzas in our small town? I’m like Steve in not wanting to coupon and discount myself into a corner though. We sell a really nice pie, at a really fair price, and it’s WAY better than the Hut and Monicals we “compete” with.
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Rockstar, you still have to tell me who your guy is that’s doing that for you. I can’t seem to get a good price on a 6x11 card.
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Rockstar pizza:
I do an 8 1/2 by 11 flier on 80lb gloss not card stock
Rockstar…correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you are handling the mailing yourself using the EDDM program at the post office. I was wondering who you are using for the design and printing?
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yes I am using eddm and LOVING it, I use a local guy but Taradel can do something for the same price
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Has anyone done a split run where they do a flier with coupons, discounts, etc. in 1 zone and non discounted prices in another zone?..In my past experience, we could do better with no coupons by increasing the frequency of our distribution…We also did better by having a more substantial flier…In both cases we tested by splitting our market area into zones…Once we figured out what worked best, we went with that…We ended up with an 11 x 17 tri-fold with no coupons every 3 weeks…
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The Every Door Direct Mail program has been a huge hit with small business owners. I can tell you that we mail tens of thousands of EDDM menus every week and I have not heard one complaint from any pizza operators. If you mail 10,000+ total pieces you can get the “all inclusive” $0.29 per home rate (design, printing, and postage).

As far as coupons go, I think they are “a must have” to generate the best response rates.

Here’s an example why…

Awhile back we mailed a menu for an operator who had a $14.99 LRG 1-Topping + 6 Wings Deal. The first time he mailed out the menus it simply listed this offer as a “special” on the inside of the menu. The mailing was a success, but not the goldmine he was hoping for…

The next time we did a mailing I asked the owner if we could place red-dash-coupon-lines around the same offer and make it “look like a real coupon”. He gave it a shot and the response was almost 20% higher. Go figure.

The simple illusion of a coupon/deal is all it takes to get more calls, clicks, and sales!

I hope this helps, everybody have an excellent week!
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The “best response rate” does not always mean the “best profit”…If the contribution on the coupon package (discounted) is low versus regular menu items, sometimes a lower response can actually mean more profit…

And every market will be different…Some markets will have to discount deeper than others and other markets may be able avoid discounting completely…The point of testing is to find the “sweet spot”…
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thank you for all the information on the mailing. I went and set up an acct with the USPS and excited to get out my first EDDM, I have been online trying to figure out if you can send out just an 8.5" x 11 flyer…or if you have to follow the “flat” guidelines listed–if you could share what has been successful…I’d be so grateful!
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thank you for all the information on the mailing. I went and set up an acct with the USPS and excited to get out my first EDDM, I have been online trying to figure out if you can send out just an 8.5" x 11 flyer…or if you have to follow the “flat” guidelines listed–if you could share what has been successful…I’d be so grateful!
You can just send an 8.5" x 11" flyer. I have been doing them for 3 weeks now. I had to use 100 lb. in order to meet the minimum thickness requirement. Here is the flyer that I’m currently using in my mailings:

Cathy's Wing and Pizza is under construction Cathy's Wing and Pizza is under construction
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Your flyers look great guys, nice work!

Here’s an example of an 11 x 17 EDDM Menu. This one folds in half and has a 2.25" coupon strip on the side.

Here’s a screenshot of the “point and click” targeting tool…this is easier than using the USPS site because you can actually “see” where the routes are and just click on the ones you want.
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i still think we are getting a good price at .26 cents for 6x11 post card full color no setup fees and i dont have to do any work

if i mail 20k its about .24 a home

its not worth my time and effort to do the mail program at .19 cents each with me doing the work
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