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What did I do? Dough Doc Help!! PLEASE???


New member
Ok all the dough that I made today was differnt and off. First in the mixer, before the dough was even finished mixing the dough climbed up the mixer all the way up, with plenty of stuff to mix in the bottom. I had to stand there and keep pushing the dough down but was climbing faster that I could do to keep it down. Bottom line I ended up hand mixing the dough. Once the dough was finally done it was SUPER sticky. Countered it with more flour. However when the dough was cooked it came out with a bread type consistancy rather than pizza crust. I have never had this problem, same equipment, same ingrediants, same proceedure to make. This time however all the pizzas were basically crap. There are storms rolling in here in the midwest and was storming last night. Perhaps too much moisture in the air? Any ideas? How can I counter this in the future??
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Sounds like the motor on your mixer is running backwards. Perhaps a lightning strike messed up the electronics?
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your measurements are off - either too much flour for the amt of H2O or vice versa - sticky dough = too much H2O
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I know you probably checked this, but I’ve had people mess with the zero adjust on the scale we use to weigh the water before. For some reason, some people love to tweak knobs. That is the only thing we normally use that scale for so we always keep it set to tare out the weight of the water container unless someone decides to zero it for some stupid reason.

Just a thought.

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Ok everything is exactly the same as always exact same measurements and everything. This happened several times not just the once. The dough seemed to go back to normal today but was alot less humid.

How much does the humidity of the area affect the newly mixed dough?

please note all measurements are the same, even accounting for a little more or less than usual it shouldnt be affected this much.
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Every response was just what I was thinking, especially the one questioning if the mixer agitator was running in the correct direction (that will make the dough climb up on the hook every time without fail) and the poor mixing action would also lead to a sticky dough condition, as well as poor pick-up from the bottom of the bowl. Are you ABSOLUTELY sure it is turning in the correct direction? For a Hobart mixer, the agitator should be turning counter clockwise.
Have you checked the flour bag(s)? Are they the same flour that you always use?
If you put too much water into the dough it will not climb up the hook, instead, it will look more like jello in the bottom of the bowl. plus, the softer dough will tend to be flung off of the hook if it were to climb the hook (been there, done that).
As for humidity in the air, not a chance. If it isn’t the mixer, or the flour, I’d put my money on a malfunctioning scale or a scaling error.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Double checked the Mixer again and it is running in the counter clock. It is the same flour, same company same everything. Is it really possible to get a bad batch of flour? lol.

Things are back to normal in the kitchen I am just wanting to avoid coming back to this again it was a MESS
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Yep, it really does happen once in a great while we can get a bad batch of flour, or if you are not in the habit of weighing each bag of flour, you might have gotten a couple light weight bags of flour. Without actually being there when it happened, and seeing the dough, its hard to say just what might have happened. It does kinda leave you with a pain in the pit of your stomach knowing that it might happen again, and you don’t have any idea of what caused it, or much less of what to do.
Did you get a temperature on the “dough” from either of the failed doughs?
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Didn’t get a temp on the dough, is it possible that i made the water too hot? could that have caused it? I never really measure the temp.
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A hot dough can really act “funky”. Sticky, soft, and stringy. Remember what I always say about dough management. “Temperature control is the key to effective dough management”. You should typically be looking for a finished dough temperature of 80 to 85F.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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