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What do you pay for delivery insurance?


New member
Just curious what to expect. I have been using 300 a month in my break even analysis
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We pay $875 for a bundle including Gen Liability, Auto, and Workers Comp, if that helps
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It does, you must live in a state were you can buy free market workers comp here its all state run payroll based. Do you have any idea how much of it is workers comp? Also is it based on sales?
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It does, you must live in a state were you can buy free market workers comp here its all state run payroll based. Do you have any idea how much of it is workers comp? Also is it based on sales?
326 paid over 9 months is how they do it here and yes you approx your 1st year sales and from year 2 on you will report your prior year’s sales. Warning, if you end up doing more than what you approx in year 1, you will owe a lump sum so they’ll get your money at some point!
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Our delivery and general liability and property coverage are all bundled. Cost is around $6000 per year.
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I have 1,000,000 liability on auto .

Costs me $6000 a year for 2 company cars.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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