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What do you pay someone to run your social media?


New member
Just to get your thoughts:

Our current social media manager is my partners wife. She is paid $1000/month. She posts on Facebook/Twitter 7-10 times per week. She also handles complaints that are messaged via social media. I think she does a good job.

This is all done off site from another state. The partner is saying she works 40hrs/week and is asking for a raise for her.

Would you consider a raise for her? What to do pay for social media like this? Should social media be kept “in house”?
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Wait, you are paying someone $12K annually to do social media for you from their home?
How much of that 2080 annual hours is actually spent dealing with your specific accounts?

I’m not sure if it is still an option, but don’t FB & Twit interface so original posted content on FB gets automatically tweeted too?

I handle FB by myself when I have some slack time during opening and closing, and maybe some from home when nothing good is on TV
I just make sure to use the words “We” & “Our” instead of “Me” & “I”
I’ve got many other places for $12K to be used, But I am also not in a highly digital connected urban area either.
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That is nuts. One or two posts per day? What does she do with the other 7 hours and 55 minutes?

I pay a guy $40 per month (IN PIZZA TRADE) to respond to all reviews on Yelp, Trip Advisor, Google and to do periodic small updates to our website etc and I do all Facebook myself. Sorry, I do not see over couple of hundred per month value here.
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You my friend are getting hosed!! I’ll do it for 900 a month

Pm me if your interested. Lol
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You my friend are getting hosed!! I’ll do it for 900 a month

Pm me if your interested. Lol
I’ll do it for $850 😃

OP, I’m sorry, but you’re getting ripped off on that deal. There’s no way she spends 40 hours per week doing what you described unless you’re getting 30 complaints per day… and then you have other problems. I think your partner has found a way to take some extra money out of the business.
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I was curious about this so I contacted a company who specializes in social media marketing and branding. They are asking 299.00 a month to place 1 post on Facebook and 1 post on Twitter a month. I thought they were joking but they weren’t. No thank you I’ll take the $300.00 and post my self. I have to give them the content so I’m just paying someone to type it in.
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And she wants a raise? Like the others mentioned, You are getting shafted. Making a few posts each week would take about as long as it took you to create this topic, My wife would happily do that for free and your partners should do the same.
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Clayton Kruger - I think that’s his name… Had a great post on social marketing and Jay Abraham has put up some free content too.

Don’t use it as an advertising tool, use it to engage and you’ll come out ahead!
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I know it’s your partners wife, but QUICKLY find a diplomatic way to tell them you have decided to bring that function “in house”. I don’t have to be diplomatic in telling you that she doesn’t spent 40 hours a week, a month or even 3 months in meeting the demands of that job description. Besides, who knows your operation better than you?

As an aside, I clicked on the link to Bada Bings Facebook page (above), and he is using it very well … a little advertising, a little humor, some community spirit, nice pics, etc… And his April 1, 2014 posting is just marketing magic … check it out. You can do exactly what he and a zillion others do so well.
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