What do you think when a place does not have a "review" link on their FaceBook page?


Staff member
What do you think when a place does not have a “review” link on their FaceBook page?

Just returned from lunch and was going to post a nice review…No review tab and closed to commenting unless you add on too an existing post…Is this because they are afraid of what might come?..
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How do you turn it off or remove it? I would love to take it down! I am sick and tired of the whole online review thing (even though we get mostly very nice reviews)

It would never cross my mind to look for reviews on a companies own page. Even though I hate them I do use the ones on trip adviser when I am out of town.
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For reviews you can just not set them up for your page…For comments I am guessing it has something to do with settings but not sure what…I know with comments I can make them hidden for everyone except the person who placed the comment…
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How do you turn it off or remove it? I would love to take it down! I am sick and tired of the whole online review thing (even though we get mostly very nice reviews)

It would never cross my mind to look for reviews on a companies own page. Even though I hate them I do use the ones on trip adviser when I am out of town.
If you turn the map off on your facebook page it turns the reviews off.
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I would be impressed that they were smart enough to get rid of it. I rarely see helpful online reviews. They are usually overly glowing reviews about how this place is the greatest thing that ever happened to food or about how the business owner kicked their puppy while they were eating the worst meal of their lives. There’s rarely anything in between. Online reviews are more for the reviewer to feel better about themselves that someone is actually listening to their opinion on something. Which is fine. But it doesn’t make it useful to finding whether something is worth going to or not.
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One reason to turn reviews off is to prevent inappropriate content from appearing on your page. If someone uses vulgarity, posts inappropriate pictures, etc on your timeline, you can easily remove it. When they do so as a review, you can not remove it.
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When they do so as a review, you can not remove it.
Actually, unlike Trip Advisor or Yelp, I have had good luck getting FB to remove reviews that were placed by competitors or their friends which contained nasty comments or profanity.
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That’s good to know. I never thought about actually contacting Facebook. Unlike timeline posts, however, you can’t remove or hide reviews on your own.

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