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What does a printed pizza box cost ?


New member
Hello all,

A noob question, but what is the breakdown roughly on a custom printed pizza box with your company logo? Do you order them locally or have them shipped from abroad?

Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.

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Ordered Locally.

23.50 for (50) 18" B-Flute
17.95 for (50) 16" B Flute
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Hello all,

I appreciate the replies. Anyone have a quote for the small boxes wings come in?

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Anyone have a quote for the small boxes wings come in?
That one needs a little more detail, for sure. Are you talking about 8" or smaller pizza box?
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Anyone have a quote for the small boxes wings come in?
That one needs a little more detail, for sure. Are you talking about 8" or smaller pizza box?
Yeah, something along those lines. Like a 6-1/2" - 8" box with a small one color logo on it (we’ll use the better two-color option on the big boxes)

Just want to hold ten wings and a dipping sauce cup.

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A good starting point would be for you to contact Star Box company. Their web address is Another good source for info if you are already operating is your food supplier. They already work with a box company that custom prints for other clients of theirs.
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A good starting point would be for you to contact Star Box company. Their web address is Another good source for info if you are already operating is your food supplier. They already work with a box company that custom prints for other clients of theirs.
useful information, thank you. One thing that I have seen is buying non printed boxes and throwing your label (with adhesive backing) onto the box. Anyone know how much cheaper this method is?

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useful information, thank you. One thing that I have seen is buying non printed boxes and throwing your label (with adhesive backing) onto the box. Anyone know how much cheaper this method is?


For the small volume I do, box toppers are the only way to go. has a special right where you can get 5000 for $149 (<$0.03each). This is the best price I’ve found for 5000 of them. Keep in mind that with all printing, the more of them you can get at a time, the cheaper each piece gets. Therefor, if you are busy enough to print 10,000 or even 50,000, the price per item will go down considerably.

Even if you use a printed box, I would still put a box topper on it with coupons as it helps get the customer back in the door a second time.
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For the small volume I do, box toppers are the only way to go. has a special right where you can get 5000 for $149 (<$0.03each). This is the best price I’ve found for 5000 of them.
You can get the same amount (5000), same size (5.5x8.5), color both sides also, but full color and glossy from for $140.62. If you only want printing on one side, they are $108.69.
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For the small volume I do, box toppers are the only way to go. has a special right where you can get 5000 for $149 (<$0.03each). This is the best price I’ve found for 5000 of them.
You can get the same amount (5000), same size (5.5x8.5), color both sides also, but full color and glossy from for $140.62. If you only want printing on one side, they are $108.69.
I really like GotPrint, fast, good prices and they don’t gouge you on shipping. I just wish I could find a similar print shop in the Midwest, because shipping usually adds 25% to my order.
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We use Star Pizza box and have 3 colors on our pizza boxes. Our boxes are
$16.64 8"
$18.89 10"
$20.61 12"
$23.38 14"
and we have to order a minimum of 10 cases at a time. They are shipped directly to the store within 14 days. The prices aren’t great, but the service and convenience is nice.

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