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What is the most important thing technology can do for your business?


New member
Hi folks. I would have made this a poll, but it’s too general of a question. I am a software developer, mainly mobile apps and websites, not a restaurant owner. I was thinking of some ideas to do for independent restaurants, mainly involving the delivery part.

My question is, if there was one or maybe a few important or helpful things that software might be able to do if someone listened to owners such as yourself and created it, what would they be?

I already realize that “make me a lot of money” is the obvious first answer, but software alone cannot do that. But what about improvements in how things work, or making things more efficient and manageable, or allowing for better communications with customers during the delivery process giving them a positive experience? Maybe there is something about the existing systems that you use that you wish could be better or have certain features?

Thanks. Your input and opinions will be most valued. 🙂
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