what metrics do you look for when finding a location


Active member
I am at a point where I am considering adding another store and was looking for some input from others on what metrics they find useful when looking at buildings. We are a delivery carryout location. Is there a general formula to estimate total market. How do you estimate what percent of the available market you can capture?
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I know when I was working as an area supervisor for a large chain, I got to scout a few possible locations for them. They used to estimate $1/month per household within a 5 mile radius of the store, as monthly sales. Where this came from, I could not tell you, but all the stores I was responsible for held within 90% of that sales goal or better.
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Interesting thought process. My inclination would be to look for a location where there are a lot of restaurants nearby that seem to be doing well. The logic is that I want a big pie to carve a slice out of and I am willing to compete to get it.
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Locating near a 7-11 is good take advantage of their vast knowlidge.

Also we would like the oppertunity to do a
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We would like to do a plan for you and quote your equipment.

We have done thousands of pizza shops nationwide.

George Mills
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