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What size the menu? Takeout menues


New member
We have been using a tri-fold 8.5X11 for several years with success. We have been satisfied, but growing less happy with it as we add more and more to our menu. We simply need more real estate for our takeout menu.

So, I am asking for advice about what size to use. 17x11 seems plenty big enough, but may be overkill in terms of unwieldy and expensive. I am leaning towards the 14x8 . . . but keep getting drawn back to the bigger one for its spacious pages when folded (probably double gate fold). I am designing the menu on AI . . . and am really, really hesitant to spend extra to get a cookie-cutter designer to take hold of the thing.

A. What size seems best
B. Is getting a designer involved really, really worth the expense for a shop doing less than $400K gross annually in a tiny market?
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I can not provide any direct pizza experience, however, for my business when I do an 11 x 17 as a tri-fold it pulls much better than an 11 x 17 1/4 folded…I think it makes it more noticeable in a stack of mail…Same might be true versus a smaller tri-fold…

Also, you need to do all the math…When I use unaddressed admail in Canada, the distribution cost does not increase for the tri-fold…Not sure if that is the same for saturation mail in the US…But if you inserting in the local newspaper or hand delivering it does not increase the distribution cost…

As far as design…Nick in your market your menu may not not need to “sizzle” like it needs to in larger and more competitive markets…In most markets I would not go with a 2 colour print, however, in your market it seems to work well and fit the character of your business…

PS…Nick have you ever looked into a RISO printer…Might work well for you in your area…
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Royce, we do have a DUPLO digital dupliator, which we use for boxtoppers, flyers and newsletters. well worth every penny we spent on it. Paid for itself in less than a couple years. Our menu is one of the impact assets we get done in color and glossy. can’t do it on a DUPLO unit. Color and gloss gives us a way to add some affordable sizzle. The impact when we went from black and white to the color/glossy was enormous. I may want to add some more visual interest and a photo or two this time through to continue to increase the market perception that we are not just a little bumpkin pizza joint.

I think the drive this time is to start a concerted expansion of our sphere of influence. We gotta start drawing farther away and create a ‘destination’ feel. So, we are looking for bigger, easier to read menu. Still have budget realities to live with 😦
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In my opinion a 11x17 trifold with the extra coupon fold is the only way to go. These buggers will continue to work for you long after they have been distributed as they seem to stick around the house much longer than the smaller menus.

Keep the design simple and the menu easy to read and you will be more than happy with making the extra investment.

Depending on quantity, you should be able to get’em printed for around 0.13ea. Most printers will also include design…which can be good or bad as some of the designers can have a serious lack of vision and aren’t always on the same page as you.
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I’m not sure what you are asking because of the first couple responses. Take-out menu or menu mailer?

We have a good size menu and use 17 x 11 – tabloid size. You really don’t want your type to get any smaller than 10 pt – 8 pt at the most for descriptions (not advised). This is based upon advice from designers and customer feedback. If your menu does not have room for “free space” (no type) it is more laborsome to read and less visually appealing.

When we do menu mailers we cut our descriptions short and do 8 1/2 x 11 for cost reasons. I’m pretty sure I’ve read in some previous posts you are familiar with Gotprint.

Personally, I think its worth it to get a designer to do your menu – not a cookie cutter designer. Costs are all over the map, and its not easy finding one you like, but its worth it since for a lot of people this will be their only impression of you until they come in. I can’t tell you the number of places I’ve visited because of the great looking menus I have received. Most of the time the menu is the best thing about them too lol, but hey, they got me in 😉

Initially I had my whole branding done professionally – logo, menu, story, etc… Now, with AI and Photoshop, I can reuse that artwork to make all my other materials – business cards, postcards, mailers, magnets, t-shirts etc. with the same professional look. Hopefully someday soon I can get my website done with the same graphics 😛
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Funny reading this post this morning. I just put a couple of our newish menus in the mail to you last night.
They are tri fold 4.6"w x 10.6"h, much bigger than our old fri-fold A4 size and have been the best menu result we have had. We went for black cover with red and white print and it really stands out from the others both in size and presentation.
Like you we have a fairly extensive range - 33 pizzas alone, plus sides and pastas - so we went for a larger than normal size and it hsa been a productive exercise.

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We used to have a menu similiar to yours (Got one when you sent the shirt way back when) anyway we had one similiar.

Finally bit the bullet and called taradel. They sent a sample packet with several menus in them. We scoured and critiqued them and came up with what we liked and didn’t liked. Paid to have the designer design it and we couldn’t be more pleased. We have used them for about 3 years.

As a matter of fact I just ordered some and am waiting for our updated menu to come.

The quality is excellent, we buy 5000 and it really makes them affordable.

Ours is a 8.5 by 11 landscape with bleed unfolded. The designer was worth the price.

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