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What to do for our 10 year annivesary?


New member
Our 10 year Annivesary (The store will have been in town for 14 but we have owned it for 10) is coming up In March and I want to do something special what have you folks done? any ideas? I want this to be a big deal so all suggestions will be considered.
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You could give away 10 free pizza’s at random every day for a week!
I have a 10th anniversary for my Car Wash coming up next October. I plan on giving away Gift Cards for the Car Wash. I am having a 50th anniversary for my Pizza Shop in 2009. I have been promoting it already. I am giving away a $50.00 Gift card each week of 2009 for a company called Sheetz. They are a convenience store. There are about 400 Sheetz stores around. I probably should have given away Car Wash gift cards but when the gas price was high I thought that since Sheetz sells gas that would go over better. Now that gas has come done over $2.00 a gallon I regret my decision.

Anyway, Happy Anniversary!
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“What to do for our 10 year annivesary?”

Count your blessings.

Revisit what was important to you about your business as you thought about it before you atarted, take some time to think about it again.

Decide where you want the business to be 10 years from now… and how it will get there.

Go to work, turn on the ovens, make a great product, be reasonable and fair to your employees, say thank you to your customers.


Good question, you are about 3 months ahead of us in coming to the 10th. I’ll give it some thought too.
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Sounds like a good plan I think I may do some giveaways, I was also thinking of having a draw for free pizza for a year as well.
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a “common” practice is to turn your prices back to the opening level…ya, a greater food cost, but ALL your customers benefit & you may indeed generate new ones as well…
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I think this idea will be a part of what I am going to do. Have any of you done this? Do you do it for 1 day a week or longer?
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We keep a scrapbook of the menus through the years. It is astonishing the transformation we have made, and the pricing changes . . . not as much increase s we would have liked 😦

Doing a roll back the prices event would be worthy of a news release, and possibly get some news coverage as a business making customer-benefitting decisions in the midst of economic slow-down. Get some press and maybe some sales increases . . . I would do it for a week in my market. In a larger market, maybe dinner only for a week. Dine ins only?? Whatever makes YOU excited about it and wll excite YOUR market.
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