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what type of marketing?


New member
Other than Facebook, e-mail and the traditional types, I’m wondering what else do you folks use and do they work? Twitter, linkedin, blogs etc. Curious as I’m looking to get with this social networking thing! Thanks…
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Depends on what you want to do. New customer generation and marketing to existing customers are two different animals.
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I’d like to do both. I have an e-mail data base but I’m looking to do more. Do I want to invest in a Twitter account, how do I get my blog out there to more than just my current customers, do I want to start internet ordering…that type. Any info will help. Thanks
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Other than Facebook, e-mail and the traditional types, I’m wondering what else do you folks use and do they work? Twitter, linkedin, blogs etc. Curious as I’m looking to get with this social networking thing! Thanks…
It’s a good thing that you have started with a Facebook. This is a good way to keep in touch with your current customers and reach out to potential ones. You can use your email list that you have now to send out an email campaign about liking your Facebook. This will increase your likes and then you can relay infomation through Facebook. You can also do promotions through Facebook that require people to like your page such as coupons or free gifts. This is a great way to get more people to like your page. People love free stuff.
Blogs are also a good idea. Keep them short and infomative. Your customers like to hear about your business and new and upcoming ideas. You could also make a food blog which shows pictures of your food. This is great advertising and it allows people to comment on what they like and don’t like.
It is a good idea for you to try and keep only a few social media places for people to visit. If you get to many accounts people will not follow all of them. It is better to have a few awesome sites for people than a lot of mediocre sites. Facebook and Twitter accounts can be linked to each other so if you post on one it also shows up on the other. Linkedin is only really good for people you already know. It doesn’t usually tend to attract new people to your network. Yelp and Seconds are also good sites to take a look at but again try and pick one or two instead of all of them.
Overall just keep up with your Facebook, your blog, make sure you post infomative topics for your readers and people will eventually start coming to you.

Savanna Eckenrode
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Get on Google Places and Yelp. Then get reviews. Have your customers write reviews on those sites and you can go to to get reviews.

Also, if you do get on Facebook it is time consuming and more strategic than most people think. Especially when you are trying to measure it’s impact.
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Any info will help. Thanks
It is much less of a trick of doing anything, than doing effective things. There is no end to internet marketing. Facebook alone could occupy all of your time. Take a step back and focus on something. Setting some SMART goals will really help you in this area. It will also help you get better at tracking your results, which will increase your ROI. There is a great Japanese proverb, that says: If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one.

With some things, the shotgun approach works, but with the internet, you could easily spend all day just loading the shotgun.
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