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What’s gonna happen if I go from a low protein flour (for dough) to a high protein flour?
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are you “sure” your using a “low” protein flour?

May we ask what brand?

If its a H & R generic blend (Hotel & Restaurant) it is in the medium range (Gold Medal H & R is 11%)

This will make excellent pan pies I believe…

Jump 2 my favorite, All Trumps, you jump to 14.2%…

Higher protein absorbs more water…will yield a “chewier” crust and I feel fill people up faster…believe it is easier to hand toss as well…

hope that helps…
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If you are truly going from a low protein flour, such as an all purpose, and some H&R flour types, to a high protein flour you will see the need for more water (higher absorption in the dough, the dough will tend to be stronger, and have more memory. The finished crust may be tougher and more chewy, especially with thick crust pizzas and delivered/carry-out pizzas. I’ve written many articles on this very topic, you might want to look through the archives to do some research on this.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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