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What's up with the cheese market??


New member
My cheese prices have been steadily increasing for about 8 weeks now. Usually about $0.01 or $0.02 per week. I wasn’t concerned at first, but it hasn’t stopped. Is this consistant with everyone else??

I checked out and it seems to be the market, not me. I just wondered if anyone knew why or was experiencing the same thing.
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it will continue to go up,we will most likely see a 25 to 30% increase in the next few months
2 weeks ago bush signed away the government restrictions on dairy farmers
we will see milk prices climb higher than ever,have you been to the store lately,check out bacon prices,they are up to 6$ a pound…
What a funny story!

It’s unfortunate that everyone bases their cheese prices on the CME where only a tiny fraction of cheese is traded. It alows co-ops like Dairy Farmers of America manipulate the price of all cheese by just withholding a few truckloads or purchasing their own cheese over and over again. When there was talk of gov’t investigation, the market plumeted. My guess is we are seeing increases now because those talks have subsided.
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