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Where to get Hotel Keycards and Sleeves


New member
Does anyone know where I can get a good deal on Hotel Keycards and Sleeves? Have an opportunity to knock out a couple of the big guys.
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Does anyone know where I can get a good deal on Hotel Keycards and Sleeves? Have an opportunity to knock out a couple of the big guys.
Have you done the math on these?..Very hard to get enough of a ROI to make it worthwhile…There is lots of previous posts on this subject in the archives…
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No I have not sat down and calculated it all yet (primarily what I was looking for pricing for at this point). I have seen a lot of the chains doing it, and had the opportunity presented to me. A lot of the hotels will allow us to keep our menus up at the front desk, but some offer exclusivity based on the Hotel Key Cards and will only allow us in there if we agree to do the key cards.

I wanted to specifically see if it was worth while to lock our competitors out, and keep our product top of mind at the hotel. From your experience it is not?
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My comments are based on past comments on this forum…I recall that you need about 1 1/2 key cards per room per day…So it is a huge investment…
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I will look into some of the past comments in regards to it, as it definitely is something to consider once I find the pricing on them. Thank you 🙂
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Been there, done that.
Don’t waste your money. However, if you can do the cable/tv guides in each room, do it. I currently do them for 5 hotels. Last year I did 27 hotels. After 1 year of sales info, I dropped the ones that were not profitable. The guides cost around $6 per room. If you want the no. for the company I use, PM me.

Key cards do not work for me because they usually stay “out of sight, out of mind” either on a table or in a pocket. The tv guides are right there and have a secondary use.
Also, there is a fear that all your info is on the cards so folks tend to take them with them when they leave. The truth is they deactivate at noon so if you go back to the room and attempt to use it, it will not function.

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