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Which way is up?


New member
W :roll: hen docking a skin to be placed on a screen to be baked in a deck oven does the docked side go up or down?
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when hand tossing, I don’t believe it really matters…trick is not to dock it 2 much…

We form the edge…stretch a bit, dock, finish stretching and place it on the screen…some flip it over…no difference IMHBAPO…

@ CiCI’s, they use a press & it is docked right on the screen, but only 3 passes…
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As Patriot said, I don’t think it makes any difference. After stretching, you can’t tell anyway, at least I can’t.

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I’ll buzz in and say, “What is dock side up Alex ?”.

Next I’ll take 18th Century Literature for $200.
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Buzzing in and saying …what is dock side up Alex,but Td beat me to the buzz I’ll take Astrology for Double Jeapordy !
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