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White Onions destroyed my coolers! What about Red Onions?


New member
I’ve had 2 prep coolers take a crap on me after just 5 years of use… the coolant lines need to get changed out and the Tech said it was because I have White Onions diced and sitting in the top of the table uncovered… so the fans blow the acid from the onions onto the coils and the acid eats away at it.

So i was wondering if Red Onions has the same acidic level as white? Or what else could we do?

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wow! First I’ve heard of this but ya’ learn something new everyday around here! We have our white sliced onion uncovered in a Cambro in our refrigerated prep line…but they’re on the opposite end from the mechanics. In our salad table we use sliced reds, but they are covered…and again, pretty darn far from the workings. Very interesting though.
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I would look elsewhere for the problem. Our true prep table is 12 years old and has had white onions in the top, uncovered every day and night for the last twelve years other than the 6 months between when the previous owners left and I bought the shop. Maybe the coils were cleaned with too agressive of a cleaner or something like that,

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It is not just the onions but anything that is acidic including pineapple. The proximity to the coil will definitely have a negative impact. I have experienced that same thing. During the slow part of the day the onions and pineapples get lids and at night they are totally removed from the table.
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We have onions, red & white, capsicum, tomatos, olives, prawns and pineapple all stored in the coolroom in stainless steel collanders, sitting in stainless steel bowls. The collanders are covered in cheap clear plastic shower caps. These are washed and re-used over and over. We find they keep the ingredients fresh and the cold air directly off them by storing this way plus any liquids drip into the bowls the collanders sit in.
What we did learn from a chef is that cut vegetables like capsicum excrete oils and onions acidic fumes and tomatos also drip acids. He told us to cut the capsicums into a large plastic tub and cover with cold water and leave for 30 minutes and then pour into collanders and wash 2 more times with cold water over a 30 - 40 minute period. This removes all the oils that set capsicums off and make them slimy. The onions and tomatos are cut into the collanders and washed in flowing cold water twice over a 30 - 40 minute period. When all are fully drained the collanders go on to the bowls caos go over the collanders and then they go into the coolroom. By doing this we get much better quality out of the ingredients and wastage is way down.
Just a thought as the procedures remove a lot of the acidic materials and the shower caps stop the evaporation of any left.

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brad randall:
wa dave:
Does that refer to something like a jalapeno pepper, or is that down-under speak for a green (mild) pepper?
Yeah the mild green (non) pepper
Sorry, I will have to adjust my comments to yankee speak 🙂
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Hey give Dave a break…he is working very hard in his ESL (English as a Second Language) classes! 😛
lol, we call bell peppers Green Peppers up here… when we opened 5yr ago when people came in asking for Sweet Peppers we had no idea what the hell they were talking about.

The Tech said that Onions are the worst, then Limes… The coolers were brand new Bevair (new 5 yrs ago) and always kept in perfect condition. The sandwich cooler (28" wide) was $800 to replace the coil… should have just spent an extra $400 and bought a new one!

Since then I’ve just been covering the onions with a SS lid when not in use. We usually switch between Yellow and White onion… looks like i’ll stick with the White or totally change over to the red… just as long as we keep Yellow out of the equation.
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we calls 'em “Bell Peppers” round these parts.

That’s what the country folk call 'em in southern Indiana.
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Ok, I guess it could be possible. I had not heard of this before and we don’t cover our onions and have not seen any problem. I guess we should start covering them.

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Hey give Dave a break…he is working very hard in his ESL (English as a Second Language) classes! 😛
Notice that the language is called ‘English’ not ‘American’ so can I put you all down for an ESL course as well? :roll: :lol:
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Wizzle…the Queen is calling! She said too stop instigating problems with the FORMER colonies! 😉 How are things on that side of the pond?
They might have invented the language on that side of the water, but we improved, modernized and supersized it, just like with the pizza, the sandwich, the automobile, breakfast and countless other items which may have been started elsewhere but have become Americanized. I mean where else would you find a double cheesebuger that has, in addition to the normal 1/2 pound patties and normal toppings such as lettuce, tomato, pickles slaw, ham and shrimp, a top and bottom bun each composed of a grilled cheese sandwich with 3 kinds of cheese on texas toast? I love Europe and all, but our friends on the continent could not concieve of such a delightfully uncouth pleasure.
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News to me too. Sounds like cheap refridgeration. Our first make-line lasted 12 years. Onions, peppers, pineapple and more stored in it 24/7 for the whole time.
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