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Who here makes a significantly different pizza?


New member
And how???

For instance, most of the chains I see are really just like the “big 3”. BJ’s is different (but also very, very regional and not a pizza joint only). I went to a Fox’s Pizza Den (not Scott’s) and wasn’t impressed in the least. Same stuff, different day.

If you have a crust, sauce, cheese, and the same 8-12 topping as everyone else, what makes your pizza better?

Is it what PJ’s uses for their motto “better ingredients… better pizza” or is it more than that?

When you run just a del/co, you have to do something to differentiate yourself from the pack. What is your niche?
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Here is a sampling from our menu::

The White Pheasant
A really special and unique combination
White Sauce (Chopped Garlic and Olive Oil),
Pheasant Sausage, Spinach, Fresh Roma Tomatoes,
Feta and Mozzarella Cheese, sprinkled with Basil

Wild Hawaiian
From the Wild Side of the Island
Wild Boar Sausage, Pineapple,
Jalapeno Peppers, Mozzarella Cheese

Rocky Mountain Elk
Elk on a Pizza? Nothing Better!
Colorado Elk Sausage, Mushrooms,
Onions, Chopped Garlic, Roasted Cashews,
Mozzarella Cheese

We also have Rattlesnake and Alligator, but I would not want to reveal everything in one post.
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This Gator can bite!
Alligator Sausage, Jalapenos, Onions, Fresh Roma Tomatoes

Two mean critters come together in harmony.
Alligator Sausage, Wild Boar Sausage, Onions, Roasted Cashews

You have never had pizza like this!
Honey BBQ sauce, Rattlesnake Sausage, Onions, Jalapenos
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Andrew’s Favorite
The favorite of our most regular customer
Italian Sausage, Real Pepperoni, Roasted Cashews,
Mozzarella Cheese

Pesto Cordon Bleu
A pizza version of a classic
Pesto Ranch Sauce, Canadian Bacon
Mesquite Grilled Chicken, Fresh Onions, Mozzarella
Cheese, Sprinkled with Parmesan cheese

BBQ Cordon Bleu
A new Western classic
Honey BBQ sauce, Canadian Bacon,
Mesquite Grilled Chicken, Onions
Mozzarella Cheese, Sprinkled with
Parmesan Cheese
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And our most popular pizza:

The Snow in Texas
What would a white pizza be like in Austin?
Chopped garlic and olive oil with Riccotta cheese,
Mesquite Grilled ChickenBreast, Artichoke hearts,
and fresh sliced Roma Tomatoes with Mozzarella cheese.

Naturally, we have all the usual stuff too… but I though I would highlight the things that make us different.
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Andrew’s Favorite
The favorite of our most regular customer
Italian Sausage, Real Pepperoni, Roasted Cashews,
Mozzarella Cheese < <SNIP about 13 pizzas>>
Show off.
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At least it made the order easier to enter on the POS. BTW/ what does the “SNIP” in your quote box mean?
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At least it made the order easier to enter on the POS. BTW/ what does the “SNIP” in your quote box mean?
It means I deleted a bunch of text and want others who read mine to know I didn’t include everything. I normally put it in when I delete the middle of something I quote.
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i’m too tired to write them all down here but you can check out what’s different in the menu section at

we have over 50 toppings and 50 specialty pizzas, things you aren’t going to find at the chains, that is our niche!
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I have gone in the direction of “less is better”, as far as ingredients

“You’ll like what is not in our pizza” :)…is on our menu, and an explanation

since making pizzas in 1999, I have drifted to the side of making the pizzas very simply, with premium ingredients

I have just 8 different topping, on par with other limited places, we rotate something in occasionally, ie, am thinking of topping my “white” pizza with clams on Friday only.
Will not bore you with our menu and story, if you want it, I can send it to you.
We just make a regular style New York Pizza and concentrate on doing it better … higher quality ingredients do make a difference! The biggest trick, as far as I’m concerned, is combining the quality you find with a mom & pop with the consistency you get from the chains.

One different thing that we offer for catering orders is a special dessert pizza. Lightly bake a crust by itself; after it cools, spread on cannoli cream and a pie filling (blueberry, cherry, banana cream, whatever). Top this with whipped cream. I charge the same as I would for a specialty pizza, and people love it! The reason I stick mainly with catering orders on it is that the prep time is too long for a normal order (baking & cooling the crust, topping it, and refrigerating it down to temp takes about 2 - 3 hours). I do get a fair amount of pre orders for them around the holidays, though.
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I have
  1. Pizza Sauce
  2. Alfredo Sauce
  3. Basil Pesto
  4. Sun-dried Tomato Pesto
  5. Olive Oil
  6. Teriyaki Glaze
  7. Thai Peanut Sauce
  8. Basil/Cream Cheese
  9. Ranch Dressing
  10. 1000 Island Dressing
I have only about 30 toppings but the computations for pizzas is incredible. But what I find about 75% of my pizzas are the mainstream combinations, the Hawaiian, the Meat Pizza, The Vegi Pizza, and The Combo.

I recently added a Reuben Pizza that is doing quite well and is very simple to make, 1000 Island base, bottom coat of mozzarella, Corn Beef, Sauerkraut, Swiss Cheese, and ground Caraway sprinkled on top. Its such a simple pizza!

The Basic Margherita pizza is good too. Olive oil base, 2 oz on a 16" of fresh basil leaves (about $14.00/lb), Slices of Tomatoes, Chopped Garlic, and Mozzarella. It sound Blah! at first, but it is really good!

One I have had great success lately with is what I call the “Old World”. Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto base, a layer of Baby Spinach, Fresh Ricotta glops all over, Chopped Garlic, Bonici “Old World” Sausage, topped with Mozzarella, and a sprinkle of Shredded Parmesan Cheese.

Back when I worked for Domino’s Pizza & Papa John’s I used to think that we only marketed to consumers under 40, cause I rarely saw anyone over 40 buy pizza. But now that I have gone “Gourmet” per se. I have found that the majority of my customers are over 40. They have more money, and they appreciate good food, they understand quality over quantity, and I benefit with greater profits.

Another way to increase your profits and distinction from the majors is to use a higher, quality of cheese. Use a 3% Low Moisture Whole Milk Mozzarella such as Grande or F & A’s Prima Cucina, you will pay about 60 cents more per pound, but your customers will appreciate the difference. The 60 cents a pound more will increase your food cost about 2%, but it is well worth it, and if you can’t afford the extra 2%, you can cut back your portions slightly, Grande and F & A both melt out very well, and less of these products actually goes farther than the basic mainstream mozzarella.
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