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Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant &a


New member
OK, lets be honest here. We all would like to be the “man”.

That is , the person that everyone looks at as"he has his sh*t together".

Do you have a dream of being huge???

If so, air it out here.
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Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

I think we pretty much all want to be better than we are and help others to better themselves as well. That is why we contribute to and learn from posts here. I probably will never have my sh** totally together, but I can run a good and successful business. Do I want to be huge? I will be very happy if my first pizza place goes as well as I dream for it to. I will be extremely happy if I get the opportunity to open up more locations around town. I will be in heaven if it does so well that others would like to own a franchise store. In reality though the only way I am probably going to get huge is by eating too much of my great pizza!
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Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

I dont want to be the biggest but I do want to be the best. I make a good living at what I do but I know I can do better so I want to challange myself every day to be better. I want to give back to my community I want to help my employees become better people and I want people to enjoy our food everytime they order. Most important is I want people to look at me and say “there is a guy with honesty, integrety and character” If through all this the Lord willing I become the biggest then great but for now I am happy where I am
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Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

I am with pizzaguy…biggest isnt the same as best. When people ask us why we dont open more stores until I can clone myself I would rather operate one very successful location than juggle multiple average units. My objective is to make my place as successful as possible so that I do not have to work these hours forever and retire young enough to be able to enjoy my hard work down the road
Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant
I am with pizzaguy…biggest isnt the same as best. When people ask us why we dont open more stores until I can clone myself I would rather operate one very successful location than juggle multiple average units. My objective is to make my place as successful as possible so that I do not have to work these hours forever and retire young enough to be able to enjoy my hard work down the road
Very well said. I have seen people fail because the quality/service of the other units dragged down the profit. The unit the owner was in the whole time supported the other locations.
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Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

I’m not sure If I agree with that philosophy. My viewpoint is that I want my businesses to work for me, rather than me working for my businesses. The best move I ever made personally and financially was opening my second location. I used to work 70 hour work weeks and I was always stressed out. Now that I have 2 locations I no longer have to work in the shop. I have managers that run them. I now have a lot of my time to devote to marketing and fine tuning the systems that I have in place. I’m 28 years old and pretty much retired. I’m in the process of opening a 3rd location. I’m sure I could have continued to have one location, worked there 70 hours a week and eventually got sales in the six figure range. But my philosophy is that I would rather have 10 locations making $50,000 a year and only having to work a few hours on my own time doing advertising. Making $500,000 profit a year and working maybe 10-15 hours a week sounds a lot better to me than working 70 hours a week and making $100,000 a year in profit. I’m not trying to bash anyone that truly enjoys working the long hours in their shop. If you enjoy it, that’s great but it’s just not for me. I think that I’m more of an asset to my business when I’m not working there all of the time but rather focusing my time on marketing and improving my businesses. I don’t feel that owning multiple locations effects the quality of the product. If you have controls in place to control consistency, procedures etc. and a good manager then you have very little to worry about in that department. Owning multiple locations is not as hard as a lot of people make it out to be. It’s actually a pretty easy and a lot less stressful than owning and working in a single location.
Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

I think it is all about where your comfort zone is, and where you are at in life. I sold my last place (a franchise store) almost two years ago, and I worked my fingers to the bone in it to pay off my mortgage and build a great business. In my new place I am really trying my hardest to build it as a system to franchise in the future, but if it does well enough on its own I may just leave it well enough alone at one, two, or three stores. I have a five year old son and what I do know is that I will not allow my business to be my life any longer! To each their own I guess, we all just have to find what works for us no matter what that might be. I think everyone here is on the right track though, I really get a lot out of this forum and I find it an indispensable tool.
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Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

A lot of good responses here. I think it boils down to the individual. Some want this and some want that.

I am also a full time, single dad of a soon to be 4 year. Time is short,fast and can never be regained. Kids don’t remember $$ spent on them, they remember the time spent. It’s a delicate line to walk.

I do know this, I love the pizza business. I’ve owned a bunch of pizzerias in the past 15 years and have paid the stupid tax. Now it’s time to cash in on the knowledge by working smarter not harder.
Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

A lot of good responses here. I think it boils down to the individual. Some want this and some want that.

I am also a full time, single dad of a soon to be 4 year. Time is short,fast and can never be regained. Kids don’t remember $$ spent on them, they remember the time spent. It’s a delicate line to walk.

I do know this, I love the pizza business. I’ve owned a bunch of pizzerias in the past 15 years and have paid the stupid tax. Now it’s time to cash in on the knowledge by working smarter not harder.

Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

Nah… I’m gonna be friggin huge. -J_r0kk
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Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

j rokk ROCKS BABY…
Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

I currently work 60-65 hours a week. Not too bad considering we are only in our 4th month of operation. The time I put in is well spent and planned out. I don’t mind putting the time in just as long as it is productive and moves the business in the right direction. The worst thing is when you put a ton of time in and the business goes backwards or you don’t accomplish anything.
My father would be considered by many as a ‘workaholic’. He had a ‘regular’ 9-5 job and also owned his own business that he ran after work and on the weekends.(He owns a recording studio and DJ service) He did however manage to spend quality time with my sister and I. Our friends fathers may have been home a heck of a lot more but my father would spend 1-2 solid hours playing and interacting with us. The average parent spends a total of 20 mins of QUALITY time with their children.
We are not looking to be a pizza giant. We have goals that we have set and if we meet them we would consider ourselves successful.
Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

Gotta agree with Roger. I think you should work the business not for the business. I have been open for only 7 weeks at my first location, my second is should be open by December 1st and a third by February 1st. Haven’t found additional locations yet but the plan is to get up to about eight locations then franchise. Just my thoughts.
Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

It’s all relative to your dream. I too just opened a store in a remote village, in BFE. My rent is $100 a month for a full furnished restaurant. My BE is $300. a week. I am in my sixth week of operation, and I can honsestly say I never thought I would say I am so excited about reaching $5,000 a week. I used to manage for Domino’s, and if my store ever dropped below $15,000 I would freak out. I am happy and I am making more money than I ever did in the Big City. I am opening another store in another neighbooring town, with a similiar rent package, in about a month. I would like to own 20 stores, but if they are all as profitable as the first, I may only open 10. I think I would be happy with a million a year income. 😉
Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

Yeah I guess most of us could tighten our belts enough to barely scrape by on a million a year! Hope you make it there, but please save some room for me at the top ok!
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Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

I got this out of my church newsletter…GOOD READ!

In a small Greek tavern, an American tourist complimented the owner on the quality of his olives and asked where he found them.

He replied, “I have my own olive trees and I pick a few for me, my family, and my tavern.”

“But since they are excellent, why don’t you pick more?” asked the American.

The Greek explained that his small catch was sufficient to meet his needs, those of his family, and his tavern.

The American asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?”

“I sleep late, fish a little, go to my olive tree field to pick a few olives, go to my tavern for a few hours, play with my children, and take siestas with my wife. In the evening I go the village to see my friends and sing a few songs. I have a full life.”

The American interrupted, “I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you! You should start by picking more olives every day. You can then sell the extra you don’t need. With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger field. With the extra money the larger field of olive trees will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire area of olive trees where you will have other people working for you!”

“Instead of selling your olives to a middle man, you can negotiate directly with the processing plants whick bottle them for consumption and maybe even open your own. You can then leave this little village and move to Athens, Rome, or even America! From there you can direct your huge olive enterprise.”

“How long will this take?”, asked the Greek.

“Twenty, perhaps, twenty-five years,” replied the American.

“And after that?”

“Afterwards? Well then it gets really good”, answered the American laughing. “When your business gets really big, you can start selling stocks and make millions!”

“Millions? Really? And after that?”

“After that you’ll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children and grandchildren, take a siesta, and spend the evening with your friends.”
Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant

It’s too bad that probably would not work here in the good ol’ USA! I work my tail off and spend tons of time with my son. No time to sleep in every single day, no siestas, no fishing every day, no time spent at the tavern every day. I think I have a nice balance though.
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Re: Who here thinks they will be the next " pizza giant
“After that you’ll be able to retire, live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late, play with your children and grandchildren, take a siesta, and spend the evening with your friends.”
Oh Bliss.

This is what dreams are made of.
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