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Who is running a bracket contest?

I haven’t thought about doing one for the business but maybe I’ll do that as well and offer some gift certificates as prizes. What’s the link to your site?
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It might be a bit late to get one rolled out for the business. But the software I created is called BracketPress – – it is designed for businesses to use sports to send people to their website and to help get email addresses so you can market to them in the future, etc. When I owned my shop, we did a bracket pool that had over 100 people compete in it, but it was hosted on Yahoo! or CBS. I can’t remember each one. But I never got the people’s names or email addresses, and they never got impressions on my logo, menu, etc – and with the product I built. If you have a WordPress based site. They could!

Is this your site? – it’s a pretty basic site. Wouldn’t take a lot to convert it to WordPress. Something we should talk about for next year. I’m looking to do a pilot with a few franchisees so they can “sell” it to their corporate groups for chain wide adoption. Think we have time to get something going this year? How much access do you have to your site? If we can get a link, we do do a lot still tomorrow tonight and promote tomorrow.
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