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Who should I hire?


New member
We have some rental properties in need of repair there are quite of few
contractors who come in for pizza some 2 or 3 times a week some once
a week and so on. Who should i hire with out hurting the others feelings
and jepordizing losing their business?
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Call them all and get bids. Tell them you feel bad for picking one over the other so to be fair you want bids and with the economy being what it is… you take the best price. Then throw a free pizza too the bunch as a sign of good faith. Keep them happy and save on the repairs. 8)
Just because they come in for pizza, doesn’t say how good of a contractor they are. You would want to get bids and possible references especially if you’re going to do repairs on multiple properties. Check to make sure they have a current license of course.

Food is always a great way to negotiate, you do a store credit in lieu of some cash. Every dollar counts nowadays.
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I should have included the comments about being licensed and insured and the references in my post also. Having been a general contractor I know better but Fireside is right and there are a lot of wanna-be contractors out there and people are taken advantage of all the time. Now if the biggest pizza customer is uninsured, and not licensed, and also does not give references…but is the lowest bid… just lie and tell him he was underbid by someone that was! :shock: Just find the one that fits your needs and has proven results that are similar to what you are looking to have done. If many fit that bill… make sure the bids are apples to apples and choose from there.
Completely agree with Fireside Pizza…business is business. Give great service and product to those contractors that are customers. They became your customers for a reason, they must like your product. Most are thick skinned and deal with losing bids. The issue probably won’t even come up likely. If it does,
your contractor “cousin” is in the business and is doing the job. Don’t go for just the lowest bid, go with the best company at the fairest price. No different than getting work done on your house.
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If you can barter the deal it may outweigh the risk of loosing them as customers.

Personally, I don’t like to do business with customers for such work. There are always issues with this kind of stuff and just prefer to avoid the situation. Kind of like hiring one of your best customers – you just lost one of your best customers :roll:
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