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Whole Wheat Dough Recipe - Fine Tuning

Tom Lehman suggested I go to the Pizza Today and find a Beer Batter Recipe. I found a really good one over there. I also found a really good WHOLE WHEATE DOUGH RECIPE. I thought to myself it might be tastier if it was a HONEY WHEAT RECIPE. So I wondered how much honey I would need to add to make this recipe a honey wheat recipe? Any Thoughs?

25 lbs Whole Wheat
8 Ounces Salt
12 Ounces Olive Oil
4 Ounces Compresses Yeast
12 Ounces Sugar
16 lbs water
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We use a two pounds of honey in a recipe based on 25 pounds of flour. We also use considerably less salt and somewhat less oil and less yeast than the recipe you posted calls for… But, using 100% WW flour will give you a brick of a dough ball. If you feel you need to go with 100% to satisfy your customer I guess you don’t have a choice, but I think you will find that you get the nuttiness of WW and a doughball that is much easier to handle as well as a product that more people enjoy with less than 50% WW.

Try a few batches around 25%, 35% and 50% and see what you like best.
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Thats some very good info. I saw the label on a bag of whole wheat today, and the wheat protein or gluten content was 15% which I am sure will make nice bricks.

I am wondering have you every made HOP DOUGH. Was thinking of approaching a local brewer and seeing if I could use the leftover remains from the beer process to make a dough. I imagine they still use Hops, Barley, and Oats to make micro beers. I am curious to see what it would taste like.
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For the honey, go with 5 to 8% honey based on the flour weight (20 to 32-ounces).
To make the dough, you will NEED to use a soaker. This means putting the whole-wheat flour into a bowl, and adding roughly 68% absorption (this may vary). so you wil put 17-pounds of water into the bowl, add the 25-pounds of whole-wheat flour and mix together until it looks like oatmeal. No more mixing is needed. Set aside and allow to hydrate for at least an hour. Bring back to your mixes, and add the remainder of ingredients, and mix just until the dough begins to look smooth, as smooth as whole-wheat can look. This will take about 5 or 6-minutes. The dough SHOULS feel a little tacky. If it doesn’t, you may need to add a little more water. Add a cap full of oil down the side of the mixing bowl as the dough is turning at low speed, this will help you get the dough out of the mixing bowl. Look for a finished dough temperature of 80F, or something reasonably close. Take the dough directly to the bench for scaling and balling. Remember to scale the dough balls 20% heavier that you do for the same size using a white pizza dough. This is necessary to compensate for the 20% bran in the flour. Manage the dough balls through the cooler in your normal manner. The dough balls will only keep in the cooler for 24 to 36-hours, so plan on using all of them on the day after yo umake the dough.
We just made some really great whole-wheat dough at NAPICS earlier this week.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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To get the dough to be 80 degrees when finished–how hot should it be when you put it in the mixing bowl. It has to sit for an hour before adding the yeast which should be about 100 degrees, I believe. I’m guessing about 125 degrees or so when you start with the soaker. Am I way off here? Thank you.

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125 degrees will kill your yeast. You are going to want to start cooler than 80 to end up at 80 since mixing raises the temp.
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I normally use water at about 70F to soak the whole-wheat flour. I don’t know where the hot water is coming from, but if you’re thinking the water temperature needed to hydrate active dry yeast (ADY), that temperature is only 95 to 100F, and it will only be about five times the weight of yeast that you are hydrating, not all of the water. The remainder of the water would be at about 75F to come up with a finished dough temperature in the 80 to 85F range.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thank you Tom. I was thinking the water would cool down after an hour sitting. As long as we activate the yeast before mixing in–it should work fine. I think I’ve got it!
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Wouldn’t it be better to combine ww AND white flour. I can’t imagine a strictly ww crust being something someone would want to eat, but Tom seems to have worked out a recipe.

Tom…is this crust as good as a WW and White flour combo?

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It’s all a matter of taste and what you are looking for. When you use all (100%) whole wheat flour you can call your finished crust whole wheat, and that is very important in some markets, but if you use a blend of white flour and whole wheat flour you should correctly call the crust a “wheat crust”. Actually, a multi-grain crust has far greater acceptance than either whole heat or a pertial wheat crust.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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