I’ve been known to sell a wheat pizza or two from time to time. However, I will highly recommend a wheat blend (50% wheat, 50% flour). 100% wheat is just a little too grainy for my taste. Last I checked we’re running about 40% wheat.
We made a 100% whole wheat pizza with some great whole wheat by Farmer Direct Foods. Most flour is made from processed hard red spring wheat (removing the fibrous bran and nutritious germ and leaving just the starchy endogerm). The hard white wheat flour, even though it is the whole grain (with all its goodness), does not have the bitter taste of the more common whole hard red wheat flour and thus does not need to be cut with processed flour. Whole hard white wheat is being planted more and more in the U.S. midwest and west.
I took a tour of the grinding facility. Pretty interesting how they stone grind it. Tastes great, too.