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Who's Open Memorial Day?


New member
Just curious…good day for you, bad day for you traditionally. Or just taking off to honor our servicemen and drinking some beers and eating burgers! Thanks to all that have served and are currently serving!
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It’s funny cause I told two of my employees. “you do know we are open on Monday?” and they said “aren’t we always open on mondays?”. I just said. Yes.

I’m sure I will get blocked phone calls tomorrow from my competition pretending to be a customer asking for my hours on memorial day. Lol
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We are open regular hours tomorrow (3pm-9:30pm). Usually is a busier Monday than normal because we are getting business from the people who are getting home after travelling for the weekend. No one wants to come home and cook a meal when they can get a delicious pizza delivered 😃
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Three of four locations closed this year. The one that’s open is closer to city center. The restaurants out in the 'burbs tend to do less on Memorial Day.
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Can’t speak for Colorado ski towns, but in the Midwest, Memorial Day is usually a day people pay homage to those that have served or are serving. People celebrate with parades, ceremonies, picnics and cookouts. We weren’t open last year either, but caller ID did not make me regret that decision. Hell the whole weekend is usually way slower than normal as there are two major rib cookoffs in town, not to mention numerous festivals, and events. I’m sure some people might think of pizza, but with the weather hovering in the upper 80’s, most will take to the grills. Hope all have a nice weekend…those that are open, hope you kill it!
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In a resort town every three day weekend is busier than average as people come to town for vacation… and they need to eat. Never thought about it elsewhere, but here Memorial day weekend is about 2X the sales of the weekend before or after it.

Of course the weather is not in the 80s either. We are expecting snow tonight.
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In a resort town every three day weekend is busier than average as people come to town for vacation… and they need to eat. Never thought about it elsewhere, but here Memorial day weekend is about 2X the sales of the weekend before or after it.

Of course the weather is not in the 80s either. We are expecting snow tonight.
You guys know how to live man, snow skiing into June.
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Pizzaduo where you at? 106! Ouch! It was 91 here today and low humidity…slight breeze. Was nice to be out on the lake! 8) Now yesterday it was like a high of 62 and 70 mile an hour winds that knocked the neighbors trees down. Why can’t it just level out and be a happy median everyday! Dare to dream. :roll:
I must be missing something. Why wouldn’t you be open?
Because our town vacates entirely to go visit family and friends for festivities somewhere else. Sales would be in the $150 range if we were open. Not gonna happen.
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Down 50% Friday, 75% Saturday, 50% Sunday and 20% Monday vs. last years Memorial weekend. Why did I sign up for this?
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We were closed although I was at the Pub doing some menu costing, cleaning…you know, all the stuff that gets put off. We had a total of 4 phone calls and 3 cars stopped and tried the door all afternoon. Yeah…not going to be open for that.n We’re in an area that shuts down and goes camping or drags out the BBQ grills. In fact, we’ll be shut down for July 4th as well.
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Pizzaduo where you at? 106! Ouch! It was 91 here today and low humidity…slight breeze. Was nice to be out on the lake! 8) Now yesterday it was like a high of 62 and 70 mile an hour winds that knocked the neighbors trees down. Why can’t it just level out and be a happy median everyday! Dare to dream. :roll:
I am in the Panhandle of Texas. We are having a drought that is unbelievable. It has been brutally hot and we have had less than 1 inch of rain this year. I think it is time to go see bodegahwy.
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