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Win7 64 Bit Update Causes Unregistration of Point of Succes


Staff member
For those of you who do not visit the Point of Success Roundtable forum.
Jeff Ward:
A Windows update distributed by Microsoft that began installing this morning (10/26/2011) is causing the Point of Success Server ID in the software registration screen to change. This causes Point of Success software to become unregistered. Re-registration of affected customer computers is required for Point of Success to allow customers to use their system.

Changing, deleting or attempting to re-register the software with an invalid Server ID may cause the system to lock out all users. Do not tamper with registration information - Call Point of Success at 800.752.3565 to get a new registration key as soon as possible to avoid downtime.

This issue affects only Windows 7 64 Bit and Windows Server 2008 computers running the Point of Success database server.
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I just love Microsoft! The update in question is related to the registered name and organization name stored in the Windows registry for 32 bit programs. The information stored was “incorrect” and the update “corrected” it. Because our server ID code is based in part on this information, the server ID code changed and rendered the registration invalid. Re-registration corrects the problem. Users have 30 days to redo the registration, but it should be done now.

I think Windows 7 is the best operating system Microsoft has ever produced even if their bug fixes throw a wrench in the works :?
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