I have a few problems with the idea of wireless/mobile credit card machines. First being the idea of having a machine for each driver as I have days where over 40% of my sales are crdit cards. The upfront cost of the machines is prohibitive, as would be the batch cost per machine each night(my processing company charges 50 cents per batch). Also don’t know if I would pay statement fees for each batch. Then, think about loss, stolen, broken machines. Second problem would be the signal the machine sends/recieves. Just last week I stoped for gas during a thunderstorm at a station that uses a satelite signal to process(at least thats what they told me). They had to swipe my card because they were getting no signal. I know that nextel also does cellular processing, but we all know how hard it is to get a cell signal in some places. Lastly, what do you do when you take a $30 order, get to the door with the food, and the credit card is declined. It sucks to have a loss like that.
My store did over 300 deliveries today and 125 credit card orders on 2 dial up machines without any screw ups with the credit cards. It seems like sometimes the new technology is just unessesary.