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Wish us luck!


New member
We’re doing our soft opening tomorrow…had a little 2 hour training tonight…made some sample pies for the crew…gonna go slow for the 1st week…
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I remember our opening days and first few weeks in business. Strap 'em tight and enjoy the ride!!
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Patriot you know you don’t need luck, karma, delivery drivers ;)…etc. You need but one thing. MAKE GREAT PIZZA!!! The rest just falls into place. Enjoy the weeks to come. 8)
I was once told you make your own luck. If this is true I know you will have plenty. Best wishes to you and your staff on this adventure.
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We survived…lol…the make line pc crapped out @ 10 pm…will have to safe start and start again…

Still was busy putting the final touches on the POS and some equipment stuff, but all in all, a great day!
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