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woodfired oven


New member
hi we got a mobile woodfired oven on a trailer need to sell 16 inch pies for slices
using oo flour 64%hydr 2% salt .4%ady dough great for small pies but on 16inch or bigger dough has no body to soft when use 20 0z balls oven temp is 750 to 800
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Do you still get a very light and open structured crust when going to the 16-inch format? How about crust color, is it still a good, solid bake across the bottom? Any top and bottom pictures of the 16-inch crust would help. If all else fails, try baking on a screen. This will reduct the baking properties, thus requiring a longer bake time which might firm up the bottom sufficiently for your slice application.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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