World Pay - 3 merchant ID#s per location

2 stores both with 3 merchant IDs per location. We use Speedline POS and Brygid Technolgies for online ordering. My problem is i’m getting fees in triplicate…3 annual Fees @$199.00 each, 3 omnishield assure @ $24.95 each, 3 Regulatory Fees @ $79.50 each. etc

Per location
Merchant ID # 1 online
Merchant ID #2 Brick and Mortar
Merchant ID # 3 Keyed Entry(Deliveries)

We are processing 100,000 per month between the 2 stores

My Rates arent bad (2.80 to 3.30) but once you put in these annual fees in triplicate its not pretty. A few months ago worldpay was good about returning 2 of the annual fees for my 1 store but now they are refusing telling me that wont be the case any longer.

I’ve asked to have 1 account and they are telling me they cant do that.

Are any of you set up with World Pay or any provider that is set up with a single merchant ID # that is swiping, keying, and processing through a 3rd party(brygid) online?
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Hi there,
You shouldn’t have 3 merchant IDs for any reason, unless you specifically wanted to have it that way.
Swipe, dip (EMV/Chip), NFC (contactless), and Keyed tranasactions are all included under one Merchant ID.
In addition to that, you could have had an Autorize.Net account (Payment Gateway) added to your existing Merchant Account with a slightly added charge to your existing fees (3-5 centers per transaction +$10/mo, to use with your online ordering. (That’s of course if your online platform uses Authorize.Net.
Other than that, in no case you should have more than one Merchant Account if that was not your choice.

So now you have 6 times PCI, annual and monthly fees, and cancellation fees? Wow…

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Hi Pizzanorth,

Sounds like you’re using Worldpay’s Datacap/MercuryPay platform, which unfortunately needs to have a merchant account per card entry method (card present, keyed, ecommerce).

Worldpay also has another platform SpeedLine integrates with, called Express, that only requires a single merchant account. Please talk your Worldpay rep for more info.

Jim Allison
Product Technical Lead
SpeedLine Solutions Inc.
I use Microworks Prism and have just one merchant ID that covers my online ordering, keyed and swiped transactions with Heartland as my processor. I’m not sure why you would need 3 merchant ID’s.