Not sure if it is nation wide or just locally. The work ethic is TERRIBLE lately. Age bracket mostly 20-30, enthusiastic at interview, tells everything we want to hear. Drivers are at $5.50-6.00 per hour, plus $1 per delivery plus tips. Insiders at $8.50 plus tips. Why do they suddenly develop car trouble, phone trouble, illness or just disappear and no longer want the job, without 2 weeks notice. For those of you with good staff retention, what’s your secret? Is it better pay for better workers?
I blame it on their first 18 years of life, Them being told that they did an excellent job by their teachers and coaches when their performance is/was total crap, them getting trophies for just showing up, all these alleged “self-Esteem boosting” exercises like not keeping score in sports games, there is no winner or loser, the mercy rule, everyone plays no matter how much they suck and continually being told how special they are, especially when they aren’t!
They get this for the first 2 decades of their life, and all of a sudden they get tossed into an environment where everything is opposite, where quality does matter, where you need to work hard to get ahead. They don’t understand why they are not told how excellent and special that they are even though they did crappy work. They don’t know how to handle it.
Or, my other theory, It is made way to comfortable for them to not work!
Name one other country where their poor people are obese!! How in the hell can the guy in front of me in line at the grocery store have a brand new iPhone, gold chains, tattoo’s, piercings, yet pay for his food with an EBT card. I wish I could afford all that.
I had a 30 something whose application for employment listed that he had a “Dipma” for degree earned in high school.
He did not know how to tie his shoes, read an analog clock, or add and subtract single digit numbers, yet the high school confirmed that he graduated! And he got his “Dipma”
I have 2 key people here that have been with us for 18+ months, I went through over 2 dozen others between May and August this last summer. They No-Show for a week, then suddenly show up sometime later expecting that they still have a job!.
If I want these other idiots here by 4:00 PM, I schedule them for 2:45, and they still don’t make it in by 4:00. I cant pay on a Friday, I pay end of shift on Sunday, because if I paid on Friday I wouldn’t see half these bungholes until they ran out of money on drinking, gambling, and drugs on Monday. So they get paid Sunday, by Wednesday when they are scheduled they may show up because they are out of money.
Nobody under 30 yrs old seems to give a flying “F” about anything, Why, because they know they don’t need to, because the government will take care of them!
OMFG, I could go on for hours, but I won’t, My blood is boiling already.
I saw someone post here once “If you pay peanuts, you’ll get monkeys”
And someone else reply “Sometimes when you pay bigger peanuts, you just get bigger monkeys”
I start people above what is the norm for this area because we need good people! I know that I am only as good as my crew! BUT! their truly are people out there that are absolutely useless! So higher pay is not always the answer.