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Worth The $39.95/mo.?


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Found a charge from a third party on my last 3 phone bills for an extra $39.95/mo., ATT refunded the money right away and gave me the phone # of the business. They had talked to an old manager for about 15 minutes on one of those “verification” calls we get all the time and thought that authorized them to do the billing…told the guy he was trash and I would do everything I could to make sure he went out of business.

Also got an email from the state health dept warning about scams with Restaurants in the state getting phone calls from people claiming to be health inspectors wanting a confirmation number your business received in an automated call from craigslist.

"Dear Restaurant Owner/Operator:

We are writing to bring to your attention an Internet scam currently under way that involves Kansas restaurants.

Two weeks ago, we started getting calls from restaurant operators reporting they had received calls from someone claiming to be from the health department. The caller said that a health inspector would be visiting the restaurant in the coming days. The caller also said that the restaurant operator would receive an automated telephone call from craigslist giving him or her a five-digit confirmation number, and that number needed to be given to the health inspector.

After the restaurant operator received the automated call in which he or she was given the five-digit confirmation number, the original caller would call again asking for that number.

As you know, our inspections are unannounced. That’s why alert restaurant operators called us to report the suspicious calls they received. Over the span of a few days, we received several reports from restaurant operators in Wyandotte, Douglas, Leavenworth and Saline counties.

We did some research and learned craigslist requires some accounts to be verified by phone. In the verification process, a user is asked for his or her phone number. Shortly afterward, the user gets an automated phone call that contains an authorization code. Once the user enters that authorization code, the account will be verified. It’s our understanding craigslist started phone verification to prevent spam, junk ads and online scams on its site.

Because it appeared to us that the person or persons calling restaurant operators wanted to verify a craigslist account without using their own telephone number, we contacted the Kansas attorney general’s office. Together, we issued a news release to let everyone know this scam was under way. Unfortunately, we continue to receive calls from restaurant owners/operators who report receiving these types of calls. That’s why we’re trying to reach as many restaurant owners/operators as we can using email addresses provided to us during license renewals.

If you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be with the health department, do not give them any personal or business identifying information. If you receive an automated phone call giving you a verification number for craigslist or any other online tool or site, do not pass that information back to the caller.

So far, none of the businesses that have received a call has been visited by someone claiming to be a health inspector. As you already know, our inspectors carry identification and they never ask for a confirmation number. If you are called by someone claiming to be a health inspector, or someone visits you claiming to be health inspector, ask for proof of identity. Also, if at any time you feel threatened by someone on the phone or in person who claims to be a health inspector, notify the police.

Please let us know if you have questions.

Steve Moris
Food Safety Program Manager"
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