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WOW!2 Oven


New member
Hi Guys,

We are looking at getting one of the WOW!2 636G ovens with the hearth baking belt, has anyone played with these ovens?

I know the likes of Dominos and Crust are using the 640’s and so forth but we won’t require that volume yet and if we do we can upgrade when the need arises.

We will be using a par baked base out of a wood fired oven.

Keen for any feedback on these ovens if anyone has it

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Quite some time ago ther was a post on this forum indicating PaPa Johns had substantial problems with the wow ovens.

We had one chain start using them but they had problems also and mo longer use the wow.

George Mills
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If you are using a par-baked crust, I assume you want to maintain a hearth baked finished crust characteristic, why not just use any one of the new technology air impingement ovens along with a Hearth Bake Disk? Works Great!
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Ok I’ll try some of those discs. We are getting a Middleby Marshall PS540 gas oven to start with.
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