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XLT Ovens....great story


New member
Okay guys…and gals…

I am an XLT customer and have posted positve feedback, and have answered PM’s about our oven experience without fail.

I must start of by saying that we have two 3270 HUGE ovens…one that has never been a problem…and one that has been a terrible stepchild.

Long story short…I have been going back and forth with them for almost 4 years about continued problems, and sometimes they really thought I was nuts…and probably rude.

Two weeks ago the oven went completely off the deep end and though there was “confusion” about my lenght of warranty, I was surprised, flabbergasted, when I received a call from XLT stating that Jim Boatwright and Jesse the tech were in a car coming from Kansas…TO PITTSBURGH…15 hours away…to PERSONALLY look at my ovens with parts in tow.

So, I wasn’t nuts since only this oven had numerous “electical” and “gas delivery” issues…and they repaired all of the parts and I am told the oven is better than new.

Today, I turned the unit on and BOOM…not literally…but the unit turned on for the first time…rushed to it’s set temp…AND NEVER FLUCTUATED and NEVER SHUT DOWN.

NOW THIS IS CUSTOMER SERVICE. I would be lying if I did not say that there were more headaches to get to this point, BUT I have to give kudos where kudos are due.

Tell me another company would load up a car for a non-beach roadtrip while singing the pizza in the oven goes round and round…JUST TO FIX A LONGSTANDING PROBLEM.


Kudos goes out to:
Kristie…CS hero.
Jim & Jesse…repair magicians
Gary and the other Management team!
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I bought an XLT
Then when I tested the gas from the meter, there was none, it had never been connected in the street, so I called them up and we went for an electric oven, as that is what we ripped out electric twin deck CTX.
Taking delivery of the new oven I decided to look at the electrical wires 3 wire and an earth = 3phase.
I was just going to wire it in, as I am a very competent person, when I had a flash of wisdom, get an oven engineer to do it, so I did, he came over wired it in, bam nothing.
He got his testers out, only to find that we have 240 volt 2 phase split, which basically is double supply.
So he said you can get it to work, if we convert it. And add a neutral wire.
So we change the wiring, added 2 solid state relays, and change the contactors.

Now we are cooking, I am just so glad I bought it from them. This took a few weeks to do as it was in the engineers spare time, as it was not XLT fault.
But while we were going over everything I watched everything and soon realized, there is not much to actually go wrong, pretty much bomb proof.
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The guys who supplied the oven, were great, so I am helping them out with their social media, i put together a video for them, as a thank you.
Please follow the youtube link
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