YEAST Shortage?


New member
Has the shortage caught up to you yet? In Tennessee Cannot get IDY. We use Fleishman’s IDY in 1lb packs, they are out and cant get any. We normally pay $3 each pack, they are going for $24 each online??? All of our grocery stores are sold out of yeast
we have a few days supply left…
I was very close, within one day of closing until I got yeast. Got up and was one of very first customers at Rest. Depot here in MI, and snagged a case from a guy buying 60 cases. He was pissed, but…
Just talked with our connections VP of marketing at AB Mauri who make Fleischmanns Yeast. Home baking is the culprit. Consumers have been buying 600% more yeast but fortunately, once you buy yeast it takes a long time to go through it if your a consumer. Consumer demand is returning to normal.
Update: Our main supplier finally got some to their warehouse. We were also able to secure some from our 2nd supplier just in time… they said should start returning to normal. Had us worried for a bit
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WE use the SAF Instant and we’ve never had any problem buying it. I tend to agree its the consumer lines that ran out, never the commercial lines of yeast.
Since buying an extra case I’ve had my mom, brother and employee ask for some. They can’t seem to find it in the stores.
US FOODS Chef Store still has no yeast in stock and say their warehouse is out of stock. I have about 2.5 to 3 weeks worth of yeast on hand. Then what to do?
What kind of yeast do you use. It looks like I can still order some of the instant from US Foods in my area. If you really think you won’t have any back in 3 weeks I can order you some and ship it out if it’s reasonable to do depending where you are located.
We use IDY, I just checked with my salesman at Sofo and he says they have it in stock. I’ve been doing this for 18 years and never seen anything like this, it seems like every week we are short on something.