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Zanolli conveyor oven question


New member
I am New to this forum but not new to pizza making. We have had a business for over 20 years, and are looking to buy a zanolli conveyor oven to speed up production.
Any opinions on how these ovens are in practice would be welcome. Also I have heard that they do not need to be under the extraction hood, like other types of ovens.
I am trying to find out if this is correct, and does this apply in Spain.
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you would have to check with the officials in Spain to answer your hood question, but here, in the states, yes, it would have to be under a hood and in some places, equipped with a fire suppression system…
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you would have to check with the officials in Spain to answer your hood question, but here, in the states, yes, it would have to be under a hood and in some places, equipped with a fire suppression system…
Thank you for your reply. I visited a pizzeria in UK and apparently they dint need a hood, but Spain could be a different matter.

Here we have heard conflicting advice from oven suppliers.
We have contacted various gov departments and officials and although they are under the umbrella of ‘health and safety’ they cannot help.

So we seem to be going round in circles
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