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zpizza interview


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Next week we’re interviewing Chris Bright, president of environmentally conscious pizza chain zpizza. Anyone have any questions about their business model or their environmentally friendly solutions?

Andrew Abernathy
Associate Editor
PMQ Pizza Magazine
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This might be a little off the topic you asked for specifically, but I believe that ZPIZZA uses Marsal MD ovens in their locations. This is an oven that I am interested in and that there is not a lot of end user information out there to read about. My question(s) is what made them choose Marsal? How are the ovens holding up for them? The burner design…does it really negate most of your pizza turning while baking? Overall…the pros and cons if you would of what makes it their oven of choice. I know every piece of equipment will have its good and bad points but it would be nice to get the first hand impression from somebody that uses these in multiple locations. I believe that Marsal makes an excellent product and I just want to hear more about them. Thanks and look forward to the article. - Michael
i know that green and organic is on the up swing but do they worry about the “organic” factor taking away from potential customers which do not necessarily care about this aspect of the food?
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When I read “Green” or “Organic”, I hear “It’s more expensive, and tastes bad, but you should feel honored that I’m giving you the opportunity to buy it”.
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