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New paid sick leave laws

Obviously no one has an opinion? Mi just voted in, all businesses with 50 or more employees must provide 72 hrs of paid sick days, regardless of industry.
Keep it to 49 or less employees. Set up a second EIN for half your payroll. One for drivers one for kitchen. Front of house/ back of house. Ways around it
The original proposal in MI, was 10 or more get 72 pd sick time, and 9 and under get 40 pd and 32 unpaid. But after many days and months, the final came down to 49 and under is totally exempt from paying out any sick time off. There was also a big controversy over 3 days no call no show, can't fire, still not hearing or seeing update on that yet.
From what I'm reading nothing has passed yet. They have till 2.21 to get it figured out. From me talking to many many servers(waitresses) they are scared of the unknown also spoke to a couple sit down restaurant owners, stated they will closed dine in and do strictly take out and catering events, or close all together
The 3 days no call no show is what has me scared. The paid time off is essentially just a back door increase to the minimum wage with A LOT more paperwork. It's a PITA and will cause us to raise prices, but we can still function. This no call no show rule is RIDICULOUS. We have enough people call off "sick" on a Friday night as it is, even with the threat of termination. If they can't be fired, expect every restaurant you go to on the weekend to have a 5 hour wait as half the staff decides not to come in with no repercussions.
The 3 days no call no show is what has me scared. The paid time off is essentially just a back door increase to the minimum wage with A LOT more paperwork. It's a PITA and will cause us to raise prices, but we can still function. This no call no show rule is RIDICULOUS. We have enough people call off "sick" on a Friday night as it is, even with the threat of termination. If they can't be fired, expect every restaurant you go to on the weekend to have a 5 hour wait as half the staff decides not to come in with no repercussions.
In total agreement. Mi is though still an at will state and employees can be fired for any reason, according to my attorney. Just nervously waiting till the 21st.
In total agreement. Mi is though still an at will state and employees can be fired for any reason, according to my attorney. Just nervously waiting till the 21st.
Sadly, not with this new law. Firing someone for no-call no-show who claims to have been sick sets you up for a "retaliatory firing" claim. It's ridiculous. Your only recourse is to get a doctor's note, but YOU have to pay for the appointment.
Sadly, not with this new law. Firing someone for no-call no-show who claims to have been sick sets you up for a "retaliatory firing" claim. It's ridiculous. Your only recourse is to get a doctor's note, but YOU have to pay for the appointment.
Not now. The new law just went I to effect & I read the whole article. They have changed alot of wording and rules. I will find the ruling in a more condensed version if I can. All in all the 3 day no call no show went out the window and we are still an " AT WILL" state. Employees now have to give adequate notice.
Here's the final. OH BUT WAIT... The"One Fair Wage" person who is not even from MI, is now appealing the final law, and if they get 229k signatures it freezes the law and its back to court. GRRRRR.

