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6 states raise minimum wage - will this affect you?

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When I go to reply, the bb loses my login and I wind up posting as a guest.

Sup wit dat webwizard?
I used to own several businesses in Washington State. But I got smart and moved to Idaho. Washingtion is a very expensive state to live, and work in. The average restaurant nationwide according to the National Restaurant Association profits 8.3%, The average restaurant in Washington State makes 1.8% profit.
The hardest part of being a business, is controlling COG, and LABOR, and both seem to be climbing each year, slowly sucking the life out of the small business man.
The small business guys need to create an affiliate program. So we can compete with the big boys. I see my friends who have 20 and 30 stores, and they pay 5 to 10% less than I do for there products from the suppliers. If minimum wage goes up substantially in Idaho. I am moving to MEXICO(minimum wage in Mexico is $5 american per day).
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My Drivers Average $100 a night in tips and about 60-70 durring the day, If we raised what we paid them they would be making more than doctors, in fact I have one Phsycology masters, 2 doctors, and an english major who work for me. I dont think that they are complaining about there wages. By raising the minimum on drivers all we would be doing is hurting the consumer by not being able to staff enough drivers to adiquatly handle volume.

BTW Which states are looking at raising or requiring minume wages on drivers.