?_Ciccone: Leftover Pizza Crust :: I NEED A RECIPE :: Photo


New member
I’m not a pizzaria owner…just a consumer with kids who don’t eat pizza crust. After dinner tonight, I had enough pizza crust left to make an entire pizza. I went online to try and find a recipe for left-over pizza crust but there is NOTHING. Any ideas on a casserole dish or something to make with cut-up pieces of leftover pizza crust. Groceries are expensive these days and so I try to stretch everything…

Thanks for any info… Mom

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Re: ?_Ciccone: Leftover Pizza Crust

Well, being a mom of 5 children, owner of a pizzeria and dollar stretcher myself, I took this as a challenge…
Why not bread pudding? Pizza crust is basically bread dough. Cut off any sauce parts, whip up some milk, eggs, nutmeg, raisins, sugar. Break up the pizza crusts, put in a buttered baking dish. pour the egg mixture over top. Bake. Wella. Measurements of egg mixture would depend on how much crusts you had. You could use a regular bread pudding recipe just substitute the crusts for the bread, or if you didnt have enough crust do some crust some bread.

Now…I realize that someone could have posted this as a joke. But what the hell!! I am in the business of helping people 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃
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Re: ?_Ciccone: Leftover Pizza Crust

my wife loves to cut them in squares and frys them in olive oil and garlic…CRUTONS YUMMMM
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Re: ?_Ciccone: Leftover Pizza Crust

You could dice them up and throw them in a foam cup with some sauce, cheese, and some toppings…BAM pizza in a cup ala Steve Martin in The Jerk! Just a thought!
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Re: ?_Ciccone: Leftover Pizza Crust PHOTO ATTACHED HERE

No - this was not a joke. With a gallon of milk at over $4 a gallon - GAS is cheaper than THAT!! I’m a stay-at-home Mom / PT Photographer, so I stretch everything I can and NEVER throw anything away…except PIZZA CRUST…I’ve attached a photo of how much was left over tonight - and one kid “wasn’t that hungry” so there would have been more. For Perspective, this is a LARGE serving bowl

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Re: ?_Ciccone: Leftover Pizza Crust

You bet, glad to be of service!!! I think Steve Martin is the greatest as well, and I have made good ol’ pizza in a cup before myself! I even know what my “special purpose” is! LOL!
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Re: ?_Ciccone: Leftover Pizza Crust

LOL - I had to google that one…I was only 5 in 1979.
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Re: ?_Ciccone: Leftover Pizza Crust

My husband tells me I lived under a rock as a kid. I never watched any of the classics. I may make pizza in a cup today and post the picture later…unless I can think of something better.
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