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We have two products that we would like to offer to other pizza operators.
One is our pizza dough. We have it pre-packaged in 25# bags from a flour company. It has yeast, milk product and herbs added to the flour. All you have to do is add the liquid and mix.

We also have our sauce manufactured in the central valley in California in #10 cans and then in 6 cans case.

How can we market/adv. these products to sell to prospective pizza palor owners?
You’ve got a couple of options. One is to contact distributors in the area where you want to have your products to see if you can get them to carry your products. The second option is to snag a booth at the next Pizza Show, get someone to allow you to showcase their mixer, ditto for an oven and set-up shop. Make pizzas and give out slices allowing people to taste your products. The only downside to this approach is that you will need to now figure out how you’re going to get your products to them in an economical manner. If you’re looking to distribute strictly local, or regionally, look into some regional food shows that specialize in showcasing foods manufactured in your state. We have one that is called “Taste of Kansas” and it is well attended by everyone including ladies marketing their home made jams and jellies.
Just make sure your products are fully labeled in accordance with all state and federal laws that may apply to you.
Good luck,
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
I don’t mean 2 b rude, but why would I or anyone want 2 buy your products?

What is so special or unique about them that would attract my purchase?

Is it price? Is your product so cost effective that I must consider it because of price?

Is is so easy, that a Caveman can mix the dough?

Is the taste so unique & awesome, that it will attract and retain more customers than any recipe I have?

Does the dough perform so great under the worst cases?

Once you have answered these questions, then you have your “point of difference” or “unique selling point”

You must have these to convince me or distributors to carry your product…

How can the distributor make money selling your product if it costs considerably more than a bag of flour/yeast?

Why should the salesman sell your product over over bags of flour/yeast/sugar/salt? He makes his $$$ on commission…

How will you pay to have the product “slotted/placed” at the distributor?

Its more than having just a great product…
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