ada work tables


New member
Hi. I’m looking for a website and or info on getting an ADA approved work table for the kitchen. Does anyone know of a site Thanks.
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Hi. I’m looking for a website and or info on getting an ADA approved work table for the kitchen. Does anyone know of a site Thanks.
Hi Califpizza.

This is a new one. Up to now we have not run into this as a regulation.

I can only assume that an ADA table is shorter than standard.
Are you being asked to make all work tables in your shop ADA approved?

George Mills
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No, we are required to have one workstation that is ADA complient - along with the bathroom and doors. We were told that the table is stationary but the top and shelf moves up and down. I’m not having any luck finding it. I can find ADA refridgeration, but no tables. I guess California is more stringent than other places. Go figure!
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im so glad we left ca. cant imagine what it would cost to duplicate what i did here back in ca. good luck
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