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Adding a service charge for customers using credit cards

I agree that offering a cash discount is much more customer friendly that assessing a surcharge for credit card use, it’s all about the mental framing! Maybe this is just a Midwest thing but there are several pizzerias in neighboring towns that only accept cash and have an ATM located in the building and they do great business. I think they get away with it because they’ve been around for 50 years though and their excuse when people ask is “that’s the way its always been”.

Kinda off topic a bit but wonder if anyone on the TT has accepted credit cards at one point and then decided to do cash only? Would love to hear their experience.
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thanx for all the feedback. As I expected the negative feedback would not be worth the extra $$ Just glad im so freakin busy!!
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For our first year we did not accept any plastic, just cash & checks (local checks only, with DL & PH#) But we lost a ton of sales due to not accepting cards.
Only had one check come back, and it was a local biz check that took us 6 weeks to collect on, the threat of law enforcement action is what got them to finally settle up.

My insurance agent stated my rates increase a very significant amount if I had one , being in a rural unincorporated area only serviced by the Sheriffs department, Response time on a burglar alarm can be 45 minutes or more. But our fire departments have never lost a a buildings foundation to a fire, ever…
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Yup. I think the best option is just to build the fee into the menu pricing. I used averages, but looking back, I probably should’ve just added the straight up fee across the board, then any that pay with cash would just be “bonus”.

I think Bodegahwy’s crystal ball is on the money…
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