Each delivery actually costs ME just over $2 apiece tonight . . . I recovered .50 each . . . that means I paid an extra 1.50 per order leaving my door. It came out of my personal pocket.
As stated before we have a higher wage rate so our drivers get $12 per hour on weeknights and $13 on weekends plus delivery fees of $2, $2.50 or $3.50 depending on delivery zone. We also have penalty rates for public holidays of double time.
As an example our fee for zone 1 is $5.00. If a driver is away for 15 minutes it costs me $3 - $3.30 plus the delivery allowance of $2, a total of $5 - $5.30. A lot of the deliveries are 20 minutes plus so the cost to have a driver out is more than the delivery fee. And still some customers complain about the delivery fee.
With petrol now at $1.55 per litre ($7.00 a gallon) the drivers are getting touchy about the cost to work as a driver as all of their delivery allowance is going to fuel and leaving nothing else for maintance etc.
This week we moved 3 suburbs to the zone 3 $7.50 rate so the drivers now get $3.50 instead of the zone 2 allowance of $2.50. Hopefully this will help them out. As far as customers go about the cost it comes down to a simple answer “This is the cost. Do you need delivery or would you prefer to drive down and pick up?”
If the price of petrol goes any higher (and looking at the steady rise in the barrel of crude oil price, it will) we will increase the cost to each zone by 50 cents which will go directly to the drivers.
We will not lose money on doing deliveries. I will not subsidise deliveries costs. We will give the customers a choice of pick up or delivery but if they want delivery they will have to pay for it. There is no way that I will expect drivers to run their cars at fuel coverage only and I think it grossly unfair of customers to expect so.
The main problem is that people want delivery as a convenience to them but some expect everyone to do it for nothing for them. Convenience carries a cost just like if you buy milk or bread from a convenience store vs a supermarket you pay a premium. Same with delivery where you will be paying a premium vs pick up.