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Adding Delivery Make People Order More?

We don’t use this, but I know there is the option in Speedline to charge a surcharge for credit cards and gift cards. You can charge differently for MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Amex, whatever you accept. We’ve thought about it a few times but it might not be worth it

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Doubtfully legal. Here it’s only legal if government agencies do it. Go figure.

You can, here at least, deduct the percentages from tips owed to employees. We don’t bother though, as much as I want to sometimes. Just seems kind of a shitty thing to do since it’s not really their fault.
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You have to be careful about charging more for CCs. Most states have laws that either ban it outright or restrict how it can be done.

Then your process might have contractual points that forbid you from doing it all together.
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We are operating at near capacity most every night. I make every pizza and am anal about each one going out to my level of quality and consistency. I guess this is why we get such high ratings and has created a momentum that brings in people that are foodies. They are willing to pay a good price and are ok with no delivery/no alcohol/no TV/no fountain drinks (canned bottled water/soda only and no ice)/ no WIFI/no wings/no subs/no pasta/ are willing to work with our “strange” hours and tell us coming in the shop for dine in or take out is an enjoyable part of the experience that they really look forward to. Most talk to other customers as they wait and dine in and we see very little cell phone use. 90% of take out customers come in 10 minutes or more early. They tell us it is relaxing to come in our place and wait. My wife does a great job greeting and running the register. We get to know our customers and they become part of our family. This is how I was raised in the pizza business in NJ back when families ran the entire operation.

I know we go against the norm of today and an example was a 30 pie order for lunch last week for an office party. When they learned we don’t deliver they nixed it. But for that one order cancelation we get dozens that come in and pick up the pies. We only have organic red pepper flakes on the tables. Often people ask for cheese shakers. We explain we import Italian parm and Italian Pecorino cut/grated from the wheel onsite. They are added to the pies on our end and the strength and cost of these cheeses would make the cost of a shaker of cheese over $5 and overpower the balance of the pizza. We ask these people to try the pie as is and to date not one has complained. The old school model we use is dying out but our operation shows how easy it is to still be successful with a consistent product/ low labor costs/low food costs/low rent. Our employees with disabilities are averaging $18/hour with their tips and wage. Most entry level food service workers here in Reno are at minimum wage indefinitely. Walter
Your posts always have a weird condescending undertone that make me feel like you are subtly saying we are all doing it wrong without actually saying we are all doing it wrong.

We are also a family business, but that model would be a disaster for us. It’s just how it goes. What works in some small town in North Dakota probably won’t work the same in Los Angeles.

Also, everyone’s definition of success is different here. There are guys that sell 40 pizzas a day and it’s a huge deal for them and they are very happy, meanwhile there are guys that do 3+ million a year out of a single location and strive for more.

Just because you don’t “want” to do the things you say you don’t do, doesn’t mean they are a bad idea. I mean, for starters bottled sodas are way less profitable than fountain drinks, but you don’t hear me breaking your chops about it. Just saying.

And to stay on point with this topic, delivery works. Can you go without it? Sure. Just depends on what your end game is. I’d imagine - and I’m just speculating here without any real facts - that pizza is probably the most delivered item other than actual mail, or pretty damn high up there on the list. Shrug. Seems logical enough for me.
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Your posts always have a weird condescending undertone that make me feel like you are subtly saying we are all doing it wrong without actually saying we are all doing it wrong.

We are also a family business, but that model would be a disaster for us. It’s just how it goes. What works in some small town in North Dakota probably won’t work the same in Los Angeles.

Also, everyone’s definition of success is different here. There are guys that sell 40 pizzas a day and it’s a huge deal for them and they are very happy, meanwhile there are guys that do 3+ million a year out of a single location and strive for more.

Just because you don’t “want” to do the things you say you don’t do, doesn’t mean they are a bad idea. I mean, for starters bottled sodas are way less profitable than fountain drinks, but you don’t hear me breaking your chops about it. Just saying.

And to stay on point with this topic, delivery works. Can you go without it? Sure. Just depends on what your end game is. I’d imagine - and I’m just speculating here without any real facts - that pizza is probably the most delivered item other than actual mail, or pretty damn high up there on the list. Shrug. Seems logical enough for me.
Pretty much the vibes I was getting too.

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We don’t use this, but I know there is the option in Speedline to charge a surcharge for credit cards and gift cards. You can charge differently for MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Amex, whatever you accept. We’ve thought about it a few times but it might not be worth it
Not legal in Colorado. I wish it was.
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Just got my car registration… 3 dollar fee to use a credit card… MUST BE NICE!
I see gas stations do it in multiple states. $2.50/gal for Cash, $2.60/gal for CC. In SF, we can also tax the customer a small percentage to help pay for the mandatory employee benefits you must provide here by law. Most restaurants charge 2.00-2.50% all call it SF Health Tax.
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I see gas stations do it in multiple states. $2.50/gal for Cash, $2.60/gal for CC. In SF, we can also tax the customer a small percentage to help pay for the mandatory employee benefits you must provide here by law. Most restaurants charge 2.00-2.50% all call it SF Health Tax.
As far as the gas stations go, they’re probably “discounting” the cash transactions and charging regular price for credit cards. Slightly different to what I was saying, but that’s always an option too for pizza shops. Discount cash customers to try to get more of them.

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Back in the early 90’s before Credit Cards we took checks and had a check charge or .25 cents. It covered all the bad checks that came in. When we switched to CC we took off the charge because they said it was illegal.

I get charged extra for all kinds of stuff when I use a Credit Card. Government agencies all charge for using a credit card.
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Your posts always have a weird condescending undertone that make me feel like you are subtly saying we are all doing it wrong without actually saying we are all doing it wrong.
Are you saying that you don’t personally make every single pizza you sell? What kind of operator are you? I make every pizza sold at our 11 stores. When we hit 5 stores, I had to buy a helicopter and make sure there was landing space at each store. Yes, flying back and forth to each store is a real pain, but our customers don’t mind waiting an extra hour or two when they know they are getting a perfect pizza. When they hear the chopper on the roof, they know it is almost time!

Pfffft. I bet you don’t even use organic crushed red pepper flakes. And if you do, I bet you put them in a plastic shaker instead of artisan blown glass made in Tibet.
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Back in the early 90’s before Credit Cards we took checks and had a check charge or .25 cents. It covered all the bad checks that came in. When we switched to CC we took off the charge because they said it was illegal.

I get charged extra for all kinds of stuff when I use a Credit Card. Government agencies all charge for using a credit card.
Exactly…government says its illegal for us to charge but they can at agencies…
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