Am I crazy to buy new(rather than used) decks?


New member
We are about at the end of our rope trying to find good used deck ovens. We have finally found a decent deal on a new Y602(which is what we want/need). The money is making me nuts but our season is coming fast. Would you pay $11,000 for a new 602?

Thanks people, you all have made some of our decisions easier, C. javascript:emoticon(’:?’)
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big cities on CL have some stuff…I’ve recommended they break out a restaurant equipment category, but…

That’s where I saw a CTX oven…only an hour away…
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You are not crazy to me it is the ONLY way to go. They are new and it is an investment. They will last you at least 11 years (maybe a few minor repairs) which comes out to 1000 a year for the one thing absolutely necessary for your business. Sure the upfront cost is a bit overwhelming but breaking it down to 37 cents a day for BRAND NEW DEPENDABLE ovens is more than worth it.

Buy used and within the next couple days, months, years you are going to be looking for either a repair or a new oven.

Older ovens nickle and dime you. The door won’t close right, the stones are cracked, the thermostat is bad, the pilot light won’t stay lit. These are the realities of used ovens (My ovens are 13 years old and considered used and these are the realities we face) But the great news is they are 13 years old and have been troopers all these years and well worth the money we spent. Scraping to get another year from them while we save for new.

I can’t tell you how many times over the years we bought used equipment to save a few pennies and more than not we have regretted the purchase. Consider the price of a used 1500/4000 consider it a discount on your new ovens because your new will outlast the used hands down. Either way you end up paying the same in the end but don’t have the headache of a down oven on Friday night mid June during your rush.

My 37 cents worth.
I like buying like I do my car, 2 years old, you dont pay full retail it hasnt been abused it last another 10 and its not so outdated
with that being said I do want a new Turbochef converyour SAW THOSE AT THE SHOW!
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tell us about the TurboConveyor…

I’m aware of their ovens & the recent inroad w/Subway, but those are $11K…hate 2 see what the price is of their conveyor
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I like buying like I do my car, 2 years old, you dont pay full retail it hasnt been abused it last another 10
I agree… and have been saying that it KILLS me to pay for a new given the default rate in the restaurant business and the durability of decks, but… 2 year old decks aren’t proving very easy to find just as I’ve read here.
There IS a pattern of some places going from decks to conveyors but we’re just not finding many “newer” decks out there. C.
Where did ya find them for 11K?
I actually was going to call in a few mins and put a deposit on a set at 12,400.They were at abest I believe.I will wait for your response.
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when it comes to restaurant equipment the old saying holds very true “you get what you pay for” when you buy used, you are buying someone else’s problems. It’s better to buy a new oven, the repair bills will be a lot cheaper as you most likely won’t have any for a few years, plus new equipment should come with a warranty.
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Where did ya find them for 11K?
They’re actually “scratch and dent” units so there is only one set…

I think we are buying today but I’ll let you know if we don’t. C.
ahhhh come on the hours are good, the stress level is low, guaranteed days off, guaranteed vacations, guaranteed salary ohhh wait… I must be in the wrong forum. 🙂
You are not crazy to me it is the ONLY way to go. They are new and it is an investment. They will last you at least 11 years (maybe a few minor repairs) which comes out to 1000 a year for the one thing absolutely necessary for your business. Sure the upfront cost is a bit overwhelming but breaking it down to 37 cents a day for BRAND NEW DEPENDABLE ovens is more than worth it.
At some point, these brand new ovens become used, right? So then they aren’t dependable? I’m trying to follow your logic and can’t.
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Instead of “USED”, buy “REFURBISHED”. You’ll pay slightly more than used price but it’s been looked over by experts to ensure quality performance. No WAY do I buy new… unless I get the deal.

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Instead of “USED”, buy “REFURBISHED”.
After a fairly extensive search, this is what we found. Maybe this info could be useful to someone else.

We were looking for big, high power decks so we limited our search to BP Y600’s and Blodgett 1060’s. There may be other large decks out there but we didn’t take much time to learn about the more obscure brands and what I did see wasn’t cheap. I also feel that we didn’t scour the New York city area as much as we could have …

New decks are about $7,000/deck. Reconditioned units are about $7500 per stack. When we found the scratch and dent set for $10,000, it seemed like the way to go… We also found a large number of the slightly smaller, older and less powerful decks. These can be a really good deal if they fit your application. Trucking ran from $600-$1,000.

I restored our present Blodgett 981 which was given to us. All of these decks are bullet proof, low tech dinosaurs with very few controls. Thermocouples and thermostats and some hinge maintenance is about the extent of it. Maybe a little sheet metal and paint work. Of course, the stones can be in any range of condition; ours were in perfect condition. I’m handy and could have handled about anything if we could have found the right combo but the pressure was/is building for this season so we went new/delivered.

There are always pros and cons… Thanks to all for the help, C.
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Not only would I say not to buy new BP 602’s, I would say you are crazy to buy new. Only a couple things go wrong with these and a new oven is a used oven in a year. Find a nice refurbished set from a reliable dealer. I believe Northern Pizza Eq. in Michigan deals with them. Find a set anywhere in the country and have them shipped too you. I paid $7k for a used set. I have had them for 4 years and only a couple minor repairs. Don’t buy ovens or dough machines new.
Not crazy. If you know you want a particular oven (or have narrowed it to a couple models) you might not be able to find them used in any decent shape. As I’ve mentioned before, it seems to me that most people who buy a Y602 run the thing for 30 years. So you either get them 30 years old or you get them new.
I got mine new.
I looked for 4 months or so, and put feelers out with several used equipment dealers. I even found a couple stacks - but nothing I would put in my brand new restaurant. So I bought new.
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