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Any one slow this weekend


New member
In california due to Mexican hoilday cinco de mayo… we were slow on sat and sunday… Did any one had any effect due to this or ony other reason ? Please chime in.
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Yes! Definitely was way off this weekend. We were off about 25% Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Has been a very slow lunch on this Monday as well.

Last year’s sales at the same dates were not off like this.
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Friday was up 15%, Saturday was down 25%, Sunday was down 15%
Forget about Cinco De Mayo. We had Derby this weekend to deal with. We did 50% of a normal Saturday. Blah! Friday and Sunday were both normal though.
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Many Many colleges are getting out this week too…the beginning of summer death if you are in a college town.
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Friday up 35 %(Tri-county track meet at stadium behind us)
Saturday down 22%
Sunday down 45 % !!
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IT seems that things haven’t been the same since the week of Easter for me. First I thought it was easter, then the week after and everyone was tapped out from all the easter stuff they had to buy, then April 15th for taxes, and the following week, then this weekend it was Prom and i figured that parents were spending on dresses, tuxes, limos etc… I’m running out of reasons why it’s been slow except maybe the increase in gas prices and the uneasiness about the economy is causing everyone to be a little more cautious with their money. I am still in my first year of business and have been told that March through June are the best months for pizza shops and that is the time to save for the slow summer months. So far since April hit I haven’t been able to save a dime. The only upside if you can call it that is that my sales reps from the three food companies i deal with have told me that everyone has been slow, so who knows what’s going on. October through March I stayed at a consistent average. Since Easter hit I have dropped 15%, not gradually either. It was immediate starting with easter week.
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Friday pretty normal. Saturday up 20%. Sunday down a little. Today, Monday stinks. The problem with PizzaPirate though is that he operates close to me and my pizza is better than his (lol).
Has been a funny Spring although March was very good. Somebody complained about the economy and gas prices. Maybe gas prices but the economy? Overall the economy is pretty darn good. Stock market records and many companies reporting excellent returns. Unemployment is very low. I thought we were all hurting for employees? I know we are. But anyway, it is hard to see that the economy is anything but excellent. There are always pockets that are not so good of course. Just be glad you are not in California where the politicians spend all of their time thinking of reasons to raise taxes more and more. Now they want universal health care. Well, they figure, it doesn’t work to well in England or Canada so surely it will work in Calif.
Or would you like to live in San Francisco or Santa Monica with what, $10 or $11 an hour minimum wage? Or just San Francisco where they are going to outlaw foam containers and, I think, plastic bags? O.K. I am done. what was the question again?
That uneasiness about the economy will kill you, especially after a whole bunch of record Dow closes, great unemployment rates ect. It may be time to find something better than the economy to blame!
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I know I’m not affected by various events as you in the US and Canada, but for the last few months our sales are going upwards and upwards.

We haven’t seen any downturns like Easter, Back to School after the Xmas holidays etc. Saturadays are doing what we used to do 6 months ago on a Friday and Sundays now doing what we did on Saturdays. For the year to date from January we are up around 15% and still increasing.

Can’t put a handle on it but I’m enjoying it while it’s there, especially as we are doing it with the same or less staff levels.

Can’t wait until the 600+ building blocks less than a mile from our shop, that have just been released or under construction, have houses on them.

We just hope that our increases are due to the effort we have put into making the shop and product more appealing. We ahven’t yet got any response from the “New Movers” as I have just finished calling on all agents, but I think we will get a good flow starting soon, especially as we have around 15 agents on board with another 5 or so to come and have handed to them around 200 packs.

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Business is kind of smoking for us right now. March was a record. April was really good, and that’s not bad considering there’s only 30 days and this April had 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays.

I agree that the economy is not the place to put blame for being slow. The market and unemployment were already mentioned; and while the housing bubble may have “burst” in most areas, people are still riding some pretty darn good equity in their homes. Those who use their homes equity as ATM machines are out spending, spending, spending. Hence, corporate profits are kicking butt.

I used to fall into the trap of looking for external events for why I was slow. But when we got slow, it was always because I had let up on my marketing plans.
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We have been setting new monthly highs ongoing for a year now. Just had two record setting weekends in a row and then all of a sudden this weekend went flat. The sales were actually about the same as last year, but a big dip in relation to current figures.
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In Michigan the economy IS bad. We are in the midst of a one state depression with the auto companies contracting and getting rid of 10’s of thousands of jobs. Add to that gas at $3.19 and people ARE cutting back on spending. I did about $100 for the entire night yesterday (Monday).
In Michigan the economy IS bad. We are in the midst of a one state depression with the auto companies contracting and getting rid of 10’s of thousands of jobs. Add to that gas at $3.19 and people ARE cutting back on spending. I did about $100 for the entire night yesterday (Monday).
I can attest to how bad MI is. We were also going strong and have hit a huge slump since easter. Its like my 1st year open all over again.
Hey fellow Michiganders! I am in the Detroit area, Downriver to be more precise. Where are you guys at?
That uneasiness about the economy will kill you, especially after a whole bunch of record Dow closes, great unemployment rates ect. It may be time to find something better than the economy to blame!
I wasn’t trying to get into a debate over whether the economy is bad or good. I thought this forum was for ideas and questions not snide replies such as the one above. Maybe the few that mentioned the DOW records etc have a ton of stock investments and money isn’t a problem but with gas prices going UP, health care costs going UP, food costs going UP and PAY RATES staying the same, the AVERAGE person IS UNEASY about the economy. Do you think Joe factory worker or Jane single mom is really concerned whether the stock market broke a new record? and as far as low unemployment…take your head out of the sand… Just because someone has a job instead of being on social services or unemployment doesn’t really indicate whether they have expendable income or can even make ends meet.
I wasn’t trying to blame anyone or anything for the down turn in business for many of us, I was merely suggesting that these could be reasons. I just wanted to make some “friends” here, not get dumbass remarks to my posts!!!
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Let’s not even talk about the risks of macro economic growth outpacing the laborer earning potentials and microeconomic indicators. I’m NOt talking about minimum wage, but the median and mean incomes for various categories.

Micro and macro need to stay close, or we implode . . . . in thepizza business even.
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