Anybody using Speedline or Firefly?

Both of my stores us Firefly. They are great people to work with. The system just keeps getting better.
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I’m a pretty new Firefly user too. Speedline was in 2nd place when I made my final decision. I’d say you’re looking at 2 of the “best in class” systems - expensive, but they offer some features that I couldn’t get in the lower cost software…
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I use Speedline and love it Everything I need is right there at my fingertips. Great people and great support. Let me know if you want more info I will be in Vegas as well.
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Had Firefly installed about two months ago now and will be installing it in another location in about three weeks. Its really tough deciding which system to go with. In all honesty, I think that you would be happy with any number of systems as they mostly all have the same features. Firefly, actually, was the only one that had a couple unique features.

I love the remote access where I can actually operate a terminal from anywhere with an internet connection. Its nice during the slow periods where a manager can take orders from the office so that the staff can work uninterrupted or at least so they don’t have to jump up all the time. Also, if a workstation goes down, you can simply grab your laptop and viola you have an instant replacement.

I looked at Speedline as well but for some reason I just never felt very strongly about them. I think with a different salesman I would have had a different outllook on them. They seem to have the bases covered.

I also spent some time looking into Revention as well. They were a strong consideration. Good, fast response to any inquiries you may have.

In the end I think its really a people thing and who you feel most comfortable with. Everyone I have dealt with at Firefly have been good people save for the onsite installer who was a little green and immature but the backup support was great. We’ve have had immediate response from every tech support call we’ve made and they were not even emergencies.

Two months is not enough time to really dive into the whole system, but so far I only have a couple gripes. One will be fixed in the next upgrade (they say) and the other is just how it works. Our stores have been using Aloha where you can set up limitless windows and screens in any fashion or succession. Firefly is limiting in this but probably for 90% of operators it is fine.

PMQ’s response after inquiring was lacking which made us pass right away on them.

When you do a demo, ask that you be able to play with their system on your own. Watching someone else do it is just not the same.

Good Luck!
Ditto ditto - I considered Revention seriously too.
And I agree regarding the demo. You should start listing specific things you need to see a system do - things that are unique to your menu, your reporting interests, or your vision of how the thing should work. Then get each vendor to give you a functional setup you can play with online.

For me, for instance, I needed to see some specific things - like how easy or hard it would be to create my own creative coupons; how it managed deliveries (dispatching, mapping, tracking driver $'s); how to create 1-click packages (“Slice and a soda for X.XX”); and on and on.

I ended up with a handful of features that were important and which stumped most systems; and a handful of features that were “nice to have” that similarly stumped some systems.

Looking over my notes later of who could do which things narrowed down my search to just the few being mentioned here…
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Speedline, Firefly and Revention were all within 2% of each other pricewise. The breakdowns were different - Firefly has higher hardware cost because there is actually a separate server (and one terminal that acts as a backup server) - but then they discount more to get back to a comparable price.
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