Anyone ever hear of Eat24 / Eat24Hours or GrubHub?


New member
Has anyone ever head of this company, or had any experience with them? I received a phone call today from a representative. Claim they are a fast growing organization similar to Grubhub and the likes. Charge 12.5% per order, and offering 30 days free (no commission) to try them out.

We do not have GrubHub in our area, so I am not familiar with the concept, nor have I ever heard anything on Eat24. If anyone has general experiences with services like GrubHub that they could provide, or specifically with Eat24, I would appreciate it.
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we use all these guys, its a must here in Chicago…%12.5 sounds kinda high for a area like Port Charlotte. you can prob get them to drop the price. i wouldn’t pay more than %10. try em out! The good thing about these companies is that you only pay for results. You prob wont get a lot of orders from them, but if it takes off we get up to 20 orders a day from all these services…not bad.
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We have grub hub and we pay them 10% from15% they i am working on promoting our own knline ordering vs using rather expensive middle man.grub bub and foodler and componeys alike good for making business go up and making sales, tho u lose ur profit.
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GrubHub/Seamless, Eat24 are expensive compared to your own online ordering site – but can be one of the cheaper ways to attract new customers, since you only pay for actual orders. I would never recommend using these sites instead of your own online ordering site, but in addition? Sure. As long as you can afford their % at your regular menu price, test it and see what happens.

If it brings in new customers for you, you’ll want to introduce them to your restaurant site right away, and give them a reason to use it instead. That’s not always easy, but these things help:

  • []Promote your own online ordering site everywhere.
    ]Make it appealing and easy to order.
  • Offer an “online-only” or “first-time user” deal, and boxtop every Eat24/GrubHub order with this deal.
But be careful: if it doesn’t bring in new customers, but you find existing customers using it, then it’s the wrong channel for you. I have some restaurant clients in that boat (GrubHub’s huge in Chicago especially) – and it’s hard to turn it off once customers get used to it. So if you decide to test it, really test it. Pay attention to who’s using it, and don’t give it more than a few months if you find it’s not generating net-new customers for you.

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I use both in SF and our delivery sales tripled immediately (less than one week). Eat 24 is now owned by Yelp and users can filter restaurants by their Yelp score. We are 1 of 5 delivery pizza places on Eat 24 in all of SF that has 4 stars or higher on Yelp so we’re always at the top of the list when potential customers search for pizza. Grubhub also shows your Yelp rating and we’re 1 of 2 delivery pizza places on GH so the same goes for our listing their once a customer uses a filter. We’ve since went from the 17.5% bracket to their 10% bracket because of our Yelp status alone. Big savings and big sales because of our hard work! I have a love/hate feeling towards Yelp but in this instance, having them around has helped launch our business very quickly.

The difference between the two is mainly demographically from my experience. Grubhub has been around a long time and is much bigger but their user base seems to be 25-40 year olds while Eat 24 is newer, more modern and more mobile-friendly with much younger users 18-30 year olds. I use both to get both demographics as my shop is in a neighborhood of late 20’s /early 30’s residents but also near a college campus. We get about 20 orders from each site on an average night and we’ve only been open for 6 months. Of the 20 orders from each, about 5-8 are new customers. Best way to market your product in my opinion! Just execute a great product with great customer service and you’re golden!
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thanx,joe, Grub HUb just raised their commission to 20%… I have no idea how to get profit out of that?!? I am trying to dump them altogether but my partner refuses… anywho I am thinking of going on my own and starting buz from scratch is difficult task so employing those online sites is on my list,but I just want to do it short term-to get the name and the product out there and then transition into our online ordering system.
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thanx,joe, Grub HUb just raised their commission to 20%… I have no idea how to get profit out of that?!? I am trying to dump them altogether but my partner refuses… anywho I am thinking of going on my own and starting buz from scratch is difficult task so employing those online sites is on my list,but I just want to do it short term-to get the name and the product out there and then transition into our online ordering system.
That would the highest bracket. They have brackets at 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 17.5% and 20%. The higher the % bracket, the higher up your restaurant is positioned on their site.
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WTF… that’s like the freaking mob!
30% Food 20% Labor 20% GH… by the time you pay the insurance and utilities… what’s left?!
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Well, i wish our food% was 30!!! Its more like 32-35% thats with highest prices in the area and selling same amount of pizza as stores that make double of our sales! The thing about GH is that u pay them 20% (in our case 30% of all our orders come from them), BUT most orders from GH are much larger than called in orders. So even about 30% (or less) of all the orders come from GH they might add up to 50% of actuall when they used to charge 10% it was somewhat fine at 20% i really dont want to have them atall!
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They’re good to attract new customers to your shop. You’ll be competing with other shops in your area since they will list any other restaurants nearby and all of the sudden the customer sees another type of food and gets some craving for it and now wants something else instead of pizza. You’re better off with your own website, and promoting it on your flyers, menus, signs on the store, etc. Plus it will be cheaper than paying a percentage to GH, Eat24, etc
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