I have a star tsp800 with a couple boxes of labels I would be willing to part with for a fair price. PM me and let me know if your interested.some sort of printer for box labels (Zebra or Start TSP-800)…
You have the right cable. Be sure that the printer and computer are working at the same speed. The printer normally communicates at 9600 baud (bits per second) but the driver installs at 19,200 or more. You can see the printer speed by turning on the power while holding down the Feed button. The speed is set in the driver when it is installed. You also need to be sure the correct COM: (serial communication) port is selected in the driver.Well Brad, if you’ve got a cache of them I’m looking for a couple as well…A thermal (preferrably an Epson (like a tm88IV) and some sort of printer for box labels (Zebra or Start TSP-800)…
Also, I have a TM-u220 serial version that I cannot get to work. I bought an off the shelf null modem and I get nothing out of the printer. Does anyone know if there is a particular pinout null modem I need for this bad boy? Otherwise, it just makes a good doorstop…
Here here!How long is it going to take for this 30 year old technology to go away?
A self-test print will tell you that. Turn off the printer, turn on the power while holding the feed button, release the feed button. The self-test page will print.I can’t confirm the printer even works