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anyone using a scale o matic for dough dividing

We recently sold a scale o matic to a pizza shop despite our advising the operator not to buy it. Operator returned it in a little over a week.
Just to much for only one pizza shop. With a production rate of up to 2000 ball per hour its overkill.

George Mills
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I am looking at a couple of units for rounding dough balls. I just can’t pull the trigger on any of them without testing them out with our actual dough first. So that may be a problem.

The first one is the well talked about rt900. They have both the turning table and the conveyor plop off options

I also found this one:

There is also this one. I can test it out locally but it will put me 17K
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Pirate, my suggestion is to watch ebay for an A&M Round O Matic for under $4000. If you don’t like it, you’ll be able to resell it for close to what you have into it. I have bought multiple ones for $3500 or less over the years, one of them brand new in original packaging but sitting in a hospitals warehouse for years.
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Pirate, my suggestion is to watch ebay for an A&M Round O Matic for under $4000. If you don’t like it, you’ll be able to resell it for close to what you have into it. I have bought multiple ones for $3500 or less over the years, one of them brand new in original packaging but sitting in a hospitals warehouse for years.
Do those come with that conveyor belt as a standard item or is that an add on?
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Do those come with that conveyor belt as a standard item or is that an add on?
There are three models:

The R900T has the hard plastic table that revolves around the machine. The dough balls drop onto the revolving table and tend to not pile up one on top of each other due to the table constantly moving. This is what I currently use. The problem with it is my employees have a tendency to let too many doughballs stack up before traying them. If you let too many stack up, they wind up not rolled as tight as they were when the first came out of the rounder. Plus it takes up a bit more space than the other models due to the top.

The R900C has a conveyor belt that drops down laterally about 18-24 inches and delivers the dough balls to whatever you have at the end of the conveyor belt. The dough balls tend to pile up wherever they drop off conveyor belt. When I had this machine I stacked dough trays up next to the machine and had the conveyor drop doughballs into the trays. We tray 6 doughballs per tray so after 6 the balls are spread out in the tray, pushed down and a new empty tray placed for the next six balls to drop into.

The R900 is meant to sit in the middle of a table(picture a table with a semicircle cut out where the rounded top of the machine rolls into) and the dough balls drop onto the table. the dough balls tend to pile up where they drop. I used to have this one but didn’t have the table so I put a stack of dough trays next to where the doughballs exited the machine and they dropped into the top dough tray like they do with the R900C.
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I have a question about the Scale O Matic S300. I will like to know details of various cups and how does that work. I am going to take a used machine to Asia that has single cup only. Can I get the other size cups?
Any re-sellers or parts dealers?
Is this something easily re manufactured?
Any details on the technical aspect of the cups?
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