Away from the Think Tank


Staff member
Hi everybody;
With Kansas deer season opening this Wednesday, December 3, I will be away from the Think Tank until December 15. During this time I will be trying to fill the freezer (no matter how good it is, man cannot live on pizza alone), and put up enough venison jerkey to last me through the year.
Back at you again on the 15th.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I actually came across some venison pepperoni at Cabela’s one time, I don’t know if they still carry it or not. Figaro’s uses bison pep, so venison can’t be too far off the mark.
Tom Lehmann/TDD
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Believe me, that is not crazy by any means. If you saw some things on my menu you would understand lol. I would love to try a venison pizza or bison pizza, that would be awesome I’m sure.

Good luck with the hunting!
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